What To Do When The Emotional Block Prevents You From Moving Forward?

What to do when the emotional block prevents you from moving forward?

We have all suffered from an emotional block at some point in our life. It is one of those situations in which we perceive the presence of a barrier that prevents us from facing new challenges. Insecurity is one of the most evident manifestations when we are faced with a block that is an obstacle to achieving our goals.

This type of block does not necessarily affect all areas of our life. In fact, there are those who usually suffer from emotional blocks in the workplace, but never in the personal or sentimental one. On the contrary, it can happen that you find yourself blocked when establishing a stable romantic relationship.

Insecurity then peeps out, preventing us from finding the job that makes us really happy or converting us into conformist people. If the block is about your relationships, however, insecurity will prevent you from showing yourself as you are. It will force you to wear a mask that will make you feel safe, a mask that, instead of protecting you, will hide the real problem.

Why do I have an emotional block?

Many of the emotional blocks have to do with our self-esteem or past experiences that have led us to behave in a certain way. Imagine that you have been through a series of troubled love affairs. This as a consequence has triggered different attitudes towards all the people you like: you find it hard to trust, you feel unsafe and you are afraid that they will hurt you.

Fear and lack of security in ourselves and in our abilities can give rise to an emotional block from which we cannot get out. In this way, we will begin to feel ashamed of speaking in public, we will feel the fear of rejection, we will be invaded by pessimism, we will feel envy and jealousy, we will judge others, etc.


The emotional block will bring our most negative emotions and feelings to the surface, which will only block us more and more, preventing us from moving forward. Often all these emotions are influenced by our surroundings, which can act as a concentrating agent and a catalyst at the same time. What do we mean by this?

Imagine that you are very insecure at work. Your emotional block prevents you from achieving your goals, but there are also factors in your environment that contribute to all of this. One of these, for example, can be the competitiveness between colleagues. The fact that they always keep your work under observation or that they have recently called you to your attention, can all be causes that can exaggerate the blockade.

Get in motion to unlock yourself

Perhaps you think it is very difficult, if not impossible, to get out of an emotional block. We assure you that this is not the case. You just need to get moving, to act. All the insecure thoughts that torment you cause your paralysis. You can oppose them by starting to walk forward.

Think of all those questions that buzz in your head every day. “Why should I go if they probably won’t hire me?” , “I’m a mess, I’ll never get what I want”, “I think he doesn’t like me”, “If I show myself as I really am, he’ll think I’m stupid”, “I’ll be wrong and everyone will end up laughing at me”, “Others are much better than me” …


Have you ever thought of at least one of these things? The only alternative is to act like when you are afraid of receiving “no” for an answer. Accept it, but first “try” to see if you can get a “yes”. What have you got to lose?

Do the opposite of what inertia would lead you to do. Are you afraid of being ridiculous when you expose yourself? If you don’t, you will never know if the fear was founded or not. Sometimes it is easier to convince yourself that you are the way we want to be. For example, try repeating in your head “I like to speak in public” or “I’m not afraid of being ridiculous”.

What if the emotional block is about your romantic relationships ? Try to think that, if you get rejection, he was probably not the right person for you, and that expressing your feelings was very useful in eliminating your fears … Always try to see the positive side of everything that happens to you. You will find that there is always a positive side. 


Emotional blocks are normal, they serve to test us and do what our emotions tell us not to do. In fact, if we listen carefully to them, we will discover that in reality they are telling us to overcome our insecurities and our fears. 

We must find our strength in them and act. Sometimes we cannot be satisfied with situations of comfort and tranquility. We have to get out of them and take risks, even if we are afraid and chills go through our body.

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