What Is Happening Is The Only Thing That Could Have Happened

What is happening is the only thing that could have happened

“What happens is that … What if …?”. How many times in life have we asked ourselves this question? Certainly, more than we should, as we have probably made more than one decision without examining too much its consequences or, if we have examined them, we have done so without clearly knowing if they were the ones we would like to face.

For this reason, it is important to take your time, because what will happen from now on is the only option.

Choose, because this will be the only way you can go

When we are forced to choose between two different avenues (what to study at university, what kind of work we would like to do or even where we would like to go on vacation), there comes a time when one disappears. And that happens right when we make our decision. This is why we need to evaluate the aspects that we consider important for our future, as they will affect us in one way or another.

Once you have decided to start walking down a certain path, asking yourself the question “what would have happened if …” only serves to imagine a life that, in reality, is not ours. And isn’t it true that, at a certain point, this can even hurt us? So try to make the decision that makes you happiest, as that will be your only option in the future.

It is normal to be afraid when making a decision, but this should not prevent us from choosing the best option: to live. In any case, what will happen will depend on the attitude with which we face what we do: desire, determination and enthusiasm are essential for what we want to happen.

We are not the masters of the case

Circumstances sometimes haunt us, especially when we feel responsible for something that is beyond our control. Some examples of these circumstances are everyday events, such as being in the wrong place at the wrong time or not being around someone because we didn’t realize they needed us.

Despite this, these are factors that do not always depend on us: we can call it chance, fate or destiny. What is certain, however, is that we cannot take responsibility for it. We must not forget that we can imagine the future, but we rarely know it. What we think will happen is only one possibility among many.

This is one more reason to stop asking ourselves “what would have happened if…?”, Since in these cases we cannot take responsibility for what we have not decided. As inevitable as it may be, and as much as we would sometimes like to go back in time and change certain events in our lives, we cannot get stuck in what we would have liked to have happened, because there was no possibility of it happening.

What is happening is, therefore, the only thing that could have happened, especially when circumstances are greater than us. Yes, it is true, we can change the things that do not make us feel comfortable, but this happens after knowing the reality and never in advance.

Don’t look back, what happens is what you are experiencing

In summary, it is good to carefully and decisively evaluate what we want in life, and to be aware that, even so, there are things that escape our will. For this reason, it is best to learn to live with our own circumstances, both those we create and those that have ended up being part of who we are.

Sometimes it is inevitable to look back and wish we had changed something: this is also good, because it shows us that we are able to see the mistakes we have made or where we have been wrong.

Despite this, accepting the fact that things happen in a certain way is a synonym for emotional growth, because this will allow us to shuffle the cards and have new options for the future. Always look ahead, accept your mistakes and avoid them by looking at the future: what is happening, in reality, is your life and this is the only way to approach happiness.

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