What Can We Do For Ourselves?

What can we do for ourselves?

A common problem for many people is being convinced that they will find happiness once they reach a certain level of life. Unfortunately, this propensity to unknowingly place happiness in the future becomes a spiral that lasts over time. The goal we see in front of us can become a great motivation or a source of constant frustration, depending on how we approach it. Once the crux of the matter has been exposed, the question to ask is: what can we do for ourselves?

Think that the present moment (and all those directly surrounding it) is the only certain moment. Now is life. To stop relegating all happiness to the future or cutting the guilt that you drag yourself from the past, starting to live in the “here and now”, is to give your present an opportunity.

People often claim that they have not yet found themselves. Yet people are not found, they are created. There is only one part of the universe that you are sure you can improve (even if you sometimes don’t know how), and that part is you.

Start creating your own happiness

When we want someone to make us happy, we are somewhat underestimating our ability to make ourselves happy. Happiness often lurks where we don’t want to look for it, but if we try to look through our possibilities, we will most likely find it.

Life rarely offers us opportunities, it is more about provoking them. We will never have the absolute certainty that something will work, however it is possible to say with certainty that fossilizing ourselves in indifference will not give any fruit. We have everything we need right now to take the next step. Go out and look for your opportunities.

Instead of waiting for the big things to happen – marriage, children, winning the lottery… – you can decide to place happiness closer to you in time and space. We are talking about the “little things”, such as having a cup of coffee, savoring the scent of a good homemade dish, the pleasure of sharing something we like, enjoying the best moments with friends or partner.

Begin to be yourself

Trying to become another person means despising the person you are. You can be yourself. Embrace the person in you. Be the person you know you are, invest in the best part of you. That version that you have been trying to put aside for too long and which, unused for too long, now seems an unknown, and that is why you fear.

One of the biggest challenges for those who want to improve is learning to accept everything that cannot be changed. Sometimes it is better to accept, adapt, avoid thinking and rethinking things that have no solution. Not always wanting a specific goal is the same as reaching it. As sad as it may seem, the physical world imposes limits on us that it is not always possible to jump or dodge. It is not about accepting a mediocre life, but about learning to love and value things that are not perfect, including yourself.

If many decide during their life to dedicate themselves to their vocations, only a few know how to persist after meeting the first obstacles, the first falls, the first slips. Try to become the masters of your choices and your mistakes, do not stray from the little things that keep your motivation burning. Because motivation is that constant light and energy that helps you move forward.

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