We Mature With Damage, Not With Years

We mature with the damage, not with the years

It is not the time to make us understand that defeats should make us lift our heads and renew our spirit.

It is the damage and blows to the stomach that make our world go round and determine our life. Coming out of battle hurt or injured is the best way to understand that there are so many reasons in life to suffer.

The pain has a sad color like the paths full of dry leaves that curl up under the feet of passers-by; however, it is necessary for us to regenerate, just as autumn is for the flowering of trees.

When the sky clouds over, only a wise glance who has experienced melancholy can appreciate its beauty and why. Rain, like tears, has the power to clean up everything and help us to clearly contemplate our surroundings.

The rain falls because the clouds cannot bear the weight, the tears fall because the heart cannot bear the pain .

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Wisdom beyond the years

The years give us perspective thanks to the accumulation of lost battles and uncovered feelings. Time embraces us through the thoughts we have addressed to ourselves and the wounds we have licked.

The years and the damage form a perfect team to create land to cultivate at every step. They offer us the possibility to use an expert gaze that goes beyond mere sight, beyond the eyes and beyond time.

After suffering, you can understand that, in reality, everything is wonderful, everything is relative and everything is new. It is paradoxical to find that, as you begin to change, you also begin to accept yourself for who you are.

You don’t need to get to old age to know that your knowledge can go beyond the filter of the mind. Within the four walls of wisdom is the room of emotional insight, an oasis of teaching and a paradise of maturity.

Emotional maturity is not like physical maturity. Our body develops irretrievably over the years. We age and wrinkles appear without us being able to avoid it. It is not possible to say that the passing years bring with them a parallel psychological development, even if, in a certain way, these two arguments are linked.

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There are hundreds of manuals that teach us to develop skills that we never imagined could exist; however, no book helps us navigate life. Nobody tells us how to grow emotionally: we learn it by trying and making mistakes (i.e. falling and getting up).

Having a complex life teaches us to go through the most bumpy paths that exist, the inner ones. We don’t have to furnish our heads with the highest quality furniture, but to study our heart and our emotions.

The damage, and the pain it causes, help us to develop emotional intelligence, to accept what comes, to feel free and to look within ourselves without fear, winking at all those complicated situations that we have to face in life. .

Sometimes, the transience of the essential strikes us with force and destroys our castle, but we must think that we still have a long way to go alongside that suffering part of us, and for this reason it is good to protect it.

As you know by now, suffering is not a path that can be known through a book. It is a step towards freedom, it is the courage of a tender heart that has experienced the reality imposed on it by life.

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