True Beauty Is Inner Beauty

True beauty is the inner one

“I’m not happy the way I am.” “I don’t like my body.” “I don’t see myself well.” 

“I hate my teeth, my breasts, my hips.” “I have so many extra pounds”. “Since I got pregnant, I have not regained my ideal weight”. 

“I never get close to others”. “I’m afraid of being judged”. “All my friends have a boyfriend or girlfriend and I don’t…”.

Do these phrases tell you something?

It is the dialogue that so many engage in with ourselves. This way of speaking to oneself becomes a kind of self-sabotage that creates insecurity, undermines self-esteem and sacrifices self-love.

At this point, think: what do you like about yourself? Your eyes, your hair, your kindness, your determination… For sure hundreds of things will come to your mind and your soul and your inner self are the protagonists.


So why let the physical flaws you see in you destroy the good things you have ?

There is an infinity of beauty behind your insecurities, behind all the aspects that you criticize and that make you sick with fear.

You are what you think and such ideas only force you to wear a mask that prevents the world from seeing you for who you really are. But sometimes people see how wonderful you are before you know it yourself.

And when the complexes come to the surface, what do you see?

The important thing is the soul. What is under the clothes. The invisible part. Something beyond sight. True beauty is the inner one, the only one that never fades, the only one that cannot be destroyed and that can only be seen if you look with the eyes of the soul.

It is that beauty that cannot be appreciated at first sight, in fact true beauty is an attitude. We live worrying about appearances, we don’t want to be eccentric or break the conventions that oppress us so much. This is what prevents us from showing ourselves to the world in all our glory.

The reality is that there is no trick that can beautify an ugly heart. Understanding this is extremely important in strengthening self-esteem.


A good soul is built by loving life and leaving aside the shortcomings and negative feelings. It is built by enlarging one’s inner world, leaving one’s safe zone and finding more and more motivations.

A positive mindset will do more miracles than a change of look

It is very important to learn to accept and love yourself. There is no need to build outward beauty with the latest fashion clothes or makeup, because true beauty is within each of us.

Don’t let the pain stiffen you. Create your own beauty, a beauty that cannot be defined in words and pay attention to the small details. The key to happiness is right within you.

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