The Psychological Stages Of Unemployment

The psychological process that faces those who lose their jobs and cannot find a new job involves three phases in sequence. Support of the environment and an active attitude help to avoid falling into depression.
The psychological stages of unemployment

Losing your job affects not only finances, but also the emotional and cognitive sphere. Susana Arancibia, professor at the University of the Pacific in Colombia, has identified three psychological stages of unemployment.

For most of us, the lack of a salary is a dire situation. Work creates a link between the individual and society and gives it a role. Unemployment, therefore, brings with it important consequences that manifest themselves in different ways depending on the phase you are going through.

In general, an unemployed person is thought to be “unproductive”. This is not true in most cases; it is easier for those who find themselves out of work to engage in domestic chores or temporary chores that are not recognized but which nevertheless require effort.

The three psychological stages of unemployment in a man.

The three psychological stages of unemployment

Refusal and enthusiasm

Those who lose their jobs initially experience a shock-like state, with varying levels of intensity. If he expected it, the impact will not be great, but if it happens like a bolt from the blue, the effect will certainly be greater.

Nonetheless, in the first phase there is a refusal to accept this new situation. There is still hope that old employers will call back or that something will happen to bring everything back to the way it was before.

This phase of unemployment is characterized by contrast. We would like to go back to work, but at the same time we begin to appreciate the rest period experienced, in some way, with relief. We tell ourselves that we will find a new job in a short time.


In the second phase you begin to realize that finding a new job is not that easy. This stage usually occurs 6-18 months after the loss of employment. Despite the great efforts, the hoped-for results have not been achieved. 

The unemployed person begins to get caught up in pessimism and the first symptoms of anxiety begin to appear. He thinks that, perhaps, he has something wrong with himself.

You may experience sleep disturbances or signs of irritability and frustration. Guilt and shame are also common. Self-esteem is damaged and with it confidence in one’s own possibilities.

Apathy and despair

18-24 months after the loss of work begins the third phase marked by resignation. We experience sadness, feelings of inferiority and apathy. Everything seems to have no way out or as if every effort is in vain. The feeling of failure or of being less capable than others takes hold of us.

These sensations increase with the passage of time ; the distrust is such that one practically stops looking for work. Every possible occasion is viewed with skepticism, the frustration becomes chronic and the motivation null. It is easy to fall into depression.

Seated woman with depressed attitude.

The three psychological stages of unemployment. What can we do?

In this case, the role of the partner, family and friends is very important. Finding acceptance and support certainly helps to cope with this difficult test. It is important that those in this situation understand that their worth as a human being goes beyond the job position.

Likewise, you need to organize your time well. A good temporary solution can be to resume studying by taking advantage of the hundreds of online and non-online courses, free and of excellent quality. This, at the same time, improves personal skills and increases the chances of finding a new job.

If being able to find a job as an employee becomes complicated, we can always contemplate the possibility of working on our own. Some business ideas do not require large upfront investments, especially in the service sector.

It would be useful, therefore, during the job search period, to take note of ideas that could be used to start a new business. Many times the job market no longer offers us an opportunity. In this case we must try to generate it ourselves.

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