The Pedagogy Of E-learning

E-learning is a new and increasingly popular way of learning. Using new technologies, it allows the student to study at their own pace. However, the dropout rate is very high.
The pedagogy of e-learning

The pedagogy of e-learning, also called online learning, is a training process that involves the use of information and communication technologies. Like any other form of learning, it shares the same purpose: the transmission of knowledge to the student.

However, there are three main features that make e-learning advantageous over traditional traditional learning:

  • It allows access to training for people who are in a situation of geographic isolation.
  • It meets the current demand for the need for constant improvement and updating of knowledge.
  • In most cases this translates into savings in terms of time and money.

Despite these benefits, statistics indicate that the dropout rate is 60%. But why does this happen?

In this article we will talk about the pedagogy of e-learning, the role of the teacher in learning, as well as give some recommendations for improving online education.

The pedagogy of e-learning

First of all, the pedagogy of e-learning stands out because it offers a teaching that adapts to the rhythm and needs of the student or client. Therefore, the latter must be autonomous in their learning, as well as possess certain levels of self-sufficiency and self-management skills.

Secondly, it is learning that tends to be done individually and that takes place through digital devices. Consequently, it causes leads to a sense of isolation in the student. This fact, combined with the memory of the traditional teaching model, affects the motivation to complete the desired course or training.

In any case, today in e-learning the interaction between the different members of the educational community tends to prevail. A feeling of greater integration in the group is helping to reduce the dropout rate from training courses.

Finally, e-learning enables learning by combining multiple resources in different information representation formats. For example, video, audio, text, etc. All in a simple way, allowing access to a large amount of information that would be more complicated to access in the traditional way.

Online training is advantageous because it offers quick feedback during assessment, constant updating of content and active, therefore more meaningful learning.

The pedagogy of e-learning: the role of the teacher

In the world of online education, teachers must have specific training to meet the needs of students. Unlike the “traditional” teacher, who provides information, the e-learning teacher has to plan mediated learning situations (Cabero, 2006).

In this regard, individual tutoring is presented as a fundamental tool for e-learning. Other questions teachers should ask themselves when considering online teaching are:

  • How can I promote student collaboration?
  • How can I increase communication with my students?
  • How should I organize the virtual platform? But also How to organize the evaluation criteria (test preparation, participation, participation in discussion forums, etc.)?

Measures to improve e-learning training

Following Julio Cabero (2006), the measures to ensure good practices in online training are:

  • Offer clear guides for students to interact with teachers / tutors.
  • Facilitate cooperation between students through well-organized discussions.
  • Plan projects to be carried out during the course.
  • Periodically offer student feedback to inform them of their progress.
  • Send the student personalized feedback, including praise or things for improvement in activities or work.
  • Set a deadline for training.
  • Increase students’ motivation by allowing them to choose project topics, thus involving them in their own learning.

Several problems can arise when designing e-learning training plans. One of the most frequent is that which pushes teachers to design the content as if it were traditional learning.

As for the functions of the teacher, the content must also be adapted to the digital environment, using various forms of representation of information and reducing its quantity without losing the most important ones.

On the other hand, another frequent mistake is to attribute to technology a fundamental role in learning with respect to didactic processes.

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