The Funny Personality: Psychological Traits

The funny personality is neither naive nor carefree. He learned to look at life from another point of view, more relaxed and with which to make everyday life easier for others too. We could all acquire some characteristics of this personality.
The funny personality: psychological traits

Life is short and sometimes too complicated. We do not know what will happen tomorrow and when we think we have everything under control, here is that fate puts a hand in us and upsets our plans. So what can we do in this sometimes chaotic scenario? Scientists know it well: developing a funny personality protects mental health.

We are not joking, we are not ironic. A pinch of humor is good for the mood. Adopting a certain mental elasticity, adding a pinch of irony to gray days and a few drops of that enthusiasm that infects others with joy and optimism is anything but counterproductive: it makes you feel really good.

But what to do if we are by nature somewhat taciturn, introverted and even unwilling to socialize? How to develop a slightly more relaxed character? We will certainly struggle, but everyone will benefit from a more relaxed, sparkling and fun approach. Let’s find out how.

Pink post it with smiley face.

How to describe a funny personality?

He is not a naive personality, he does not take things very seriously, nor is he inclined to fall into the easy beat. In reality it is a profile as fascinating as it is sparkling.

First of all, the cheerful person, likeable by character and original by nature is always intelligent. This means that a sense of humor often goes hand in hand with a keen intelligence. 

It is not easy to find people who know how to make good use of that delicate, as infallible sense of humor which, far from falling into mockery or criticism, is good for the heart.

Having a person with these characteristics at your side has a positive effect on our well-being. But what traits define this personality? If we wanted to put into practice or imitate some typical characteristics of this character, which ones should we focus on?

Laughing without fear is synonymous with health

To get to know the funny person better, we can draw a map based on the theory of the 5 great factors of personality according to Goldberg. This model (or taxonomy) of human personality traits can help us better understand this profile.

  • These are outgoing, very energetic people who love social contact and, in general, are authentic in everything they do, say and feel. They are not ashamed, they are spontaneous and very skilled in living the here and now in a relaxed way.
  • They are endowed with a certain emotional stability. Far from being neurotic or prone to feeling the excessive weight of anxiety or worry, in general they know how to manage these moods well.
  • They have a very open mind, they know how to enjoy everything they learn, they are intelligent, creative and they enjoy confronting points of view different from their own.
  • They are diligent, disciplined, fair and very polite people. The idea that fun is synonymous with chaos does not match the fun personality. When fun goes hand in hand with well-being, order and balance are revealed.
  • Kindness is another funny personality trait – it’s empathetic and supportive. He never uses humor to denigrate or hurt.
The funny personality in company.

How to develop a more “fun” character to protect mental health

Being funny, bright and able to get a smile from others is an art that not all of us have. Still, the funny personality embraces psychological strengths that we can all make our own to get better.

It is not difficult, it does not mean changing our character, but rather acquiring resources and skills that will allow us to feel better and better deal with everyday stress.

How to develop the psychological strengths of the funny personality

Sense of humor, creativity and intelligence always go hand in hand. A study conducted by Tel Aviv University revealed that work environments improve when investing in the creativity and humor of employees. One reflects on the other and vice versa.

  • A first step in developing the fun personality is to train mental resilience. Being able to see reality from many points of view, thinking, deciding and creating in an original way will help us in an infinite number of ways.
  • Another way to acquire some more open and relaxed traits is to focus on the here and now. What matters is in the present: the past feeds sadness and resentment and the gaze fixed only on the future trembles with anxiety and worry. Let’s focus on the here and now.
  • Change the inner dialogue, be kind to yourself, apply a more relaxed filter. Being optimistic does not mean being naive, but knowing what deserves our attention and what doesn’t; understand that what is a source of concern will be resolved and what has no solution must be accepted.
  • Try to give your best to others. Learn to make a smile, stop worrying about what others will say. You live much better with authenticity, seeking contact from others and not creating distances.

We conclude by saying that even if no one can change their way of being overnight, setting in motion these changes that affect psychological well-being is always a good idea. It won’t hurt, on the contrary!

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