The Best Quotes From The Most Read Books Of All Time

The best quotes from the most read books ever

The words of the books are like raindrops, chosen to fill our heads with thoughts, chosen so that our heart welcomes a rainbow of emotions …

Experiences, whether they make us suffer or rejoice, shape our soul. They paint it with shades that whisper who we are, so that those around us make an effort to pay attention and listen to us.

The same happens with people who have left their mark on our life . Whether they have been good or bad, their company has changed our path, defining, with small, but important nuances, who we are.

Desire moves mountains of moments, and love moves entire mountain ranges of life. Desire is generous in intensity, but fleeting in time. Love is a low fire, which burns with unparalleled strength.

With desire we ask, and with love we give. Desire is a condition, and love a declaration.

Don chisciotte

This phrase was used during the election campaign of Bill de Bladio, a Democratic candidate for mayor of New York, who used it to address the issue of inequality.

An inequality as natural as the human being.

Throughout history there have been an infinite number of movements for equal rights and the elimination of social injustices. This is a truly admirable end which, however, does not affect the wealth guaranteed by the fact that we are all different.

Tale of two cities

A phrase that speaks to us of our need to receive love, of our need to feel loved and accepted,  of the security that gives us the certainty that in the world there is room for our eccentricities and peculiarities.

Maybe that’s our perfume …

The scent

As Anne Frank says, wonderful ideas shouldn’t have to wait in the waiting room before they are put into practice. If they do, they will get lazy and never go out again.

Anne Frank's diary

Love has always been the force that has moved the noblest acts, but also the meanest ones. It was the end that justified the most unacceptable means, blinding reason and nullifying empathy. He made us pay an exorbitant price and, very often, he made those who couldn’t afford it pay it.

And so, love has created many heroes, but also many tyrants …

The Name of The rose

We are used to making first impressions about the people we meet. An impression that will condition our relationship with them and that, unwittingly, we will try to confirm at any cost.

For example, if we think a person is distant and unpleasant, we will address them using a coldness that will likely cause them to keep walking away from us, confirming our idea.

For this, when it comes to human relationships , we must remember that we may be faced with gold that does not shine … Because it was we who ignored their brilliance from the beginning. And it could also be the other way around!

The Lord of the Rings

Below we leave you other wonderful quotes and we invite you, dear readers, to tell us what reflections arouse in you:

– Whoever you are or whatever you do, when you desire something with will, it is because this desire was born in the soul of the Universe. That thing represents your mission on earth.
The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho)

– It’s strange, but when you are afraid of something, and you would give everything to slow down time, it has the unpleasant habit of speeding up.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (JK Rowling)

-The world was so recent, that many things were nameless, and to quote them you had to point them with your finger.
One Hundred Years of Solitude (Gabriel García Márquez)

– In spite of you and mine, in spite of the stupid world that collapses around us, I love you.
Gone with the Wind (Margareth Mitchell)

Joy sometimes has a strange effect: it oppresses like pain.
The Count of Monte Cristo (Alejandro Dumas)

Suddenly he slipped into the corridor, and as he passed me his astonishing golden pupils stopped for a moment in mine. For a moment I was as if dead. I couldn’t breathe and my heartbeat stopped.
The House of Spirits (Isabel Allende)

– Men are willing to do much more to eliminate what they fear than to get what they want.
The Da Vinci Code (Dan Brown)

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