Stressed Professors: We Learn To Take Care Of Them

Stressed professors: we learn to take care of them

There are those who believe that  stressed professors are not a problem for them. This is not true at all. It is normal that when we are stressed or in a state of malaise, our productivity at work suffers. This concept acquires greater relevance if we think about the importance of the role of the teacher. In fact, it is precisely the teachers who provide the vast majority of education to our children.

In this regard, we can help stressed professors a lot . Some external factors affect their mental health. However, we can modify some of them with the aim of reducing stress, since theirs is one of the most important jobs there is.

The problem of stressed professors

Numerous studies have been conducted on stress in various occupational settings. Regarding the teachers, it was found that 54.2% of the teaching group was under work stress. Considering that we are talking about more than half of the total number of teachers, the result is somewhat disheartening.

Tired teacher

The results also showed that 19.6% of the teachers considered that work was negatively affecting their health. Not only that, other research details revealed that these professors had difficulty sleeping, fatigue, headaches, tension and irritability.

A subsequent survey on working conditions found that 33.9% of the professors showed signs of work overload. They often found themselves having to extend their working day for free.

In 2012, about 50% of teachers had high or very high levels of stress. It was also found that stressed professors are more likely to suffer from physical and mental health problems in the future. Finally, dissatisfaction and pressure at work are closely related to somatic, depressive and anxious symptoms.

What makes teachers stressed out?

What makes teachers stressed out? Are they internal or external factors? Let’s answer these questions. Various researches have shown that the main sources of stress for teachers come from pupils and their families. As for the pupils, their lack of interest, motivation and discipline during the lessons cause stress for the teachers.

Stressed man

Concerning the families of the pupils, the lack of recognition of their efforts, the lack of collaboration or the lack of assistance in their work of educating children and adolescents are a source of stress for teachers.

We can help improve this situation as a society in general and as family members of pupils in particular; we must become aware of the difficulty of the teaching job. The teachers are education professionals, so it is important to follow the directions we receive in meetings or interviews.

These tips may seem difficult at times, but it’s important to keep them in mind. It will undoubtedly produce improvements, not only in the classroom during lessons, but also on the abilities of coexistence of the children, at home and in their future life. The fact that teachers feel motivated and valued for their work will help them feel less stressed and better serve education.

Images courtesy of Tra Nguyen and Lonely Planet.

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