Stop Ruminating: 7 Tricks

Stop ruminating: 7 tricks

Some have a habit of overthinking everything. They think and rethink the same things over and over again. All they do is brood over their thoughts, stopping and filling themselves with anguish. In these cases, we think too much, do little, feel bad and cannot be avoided. How to stop brooding to regain your composure?

This situation arises when we are full of insecurities or let ourselves be overwhelmed by our fears. It indicates that we have doubts, which in itself would not be negative. To be very negative is to make doubt and inaction a way of life and not stop ruminating .

Hardly anyone comes to effective conclusions if he spends time brooding, at most he fills  with anxiety and fears more and more action. He never gets what he really wants: a precise, perfect and risk-free result. For this it is not worth it. Here are some tips to stop ruminating.

How to stop ruminating

1. Set deadlines for making decisions

If we give ourselves all the time in the world to make a decision and have a tendency to ruminate, we will most likely never take action. Perhaps we find it difficult to give up some things and get others, just what making a decision implies .

Woman with a suspended pencil

The best way to avoid this is to set a deadline to solve our problems. The ideal is not to take too long, even if the decision is complex. A day at the most, although most decisions shouldn’t take more than an hour.

2. Don’t put it off

When we postpone the things we need to do, we complicate the situation. If it is already clear that we need to do something, there is no reason to wait. Let’s do it, even if there are obstacles or we have to overcome resistance.

The problem is that pending things make us mull over. We need to organize our plans to carry them out. This takes away valuable time that we could spend on something much more productive.

3. Give the right perspective on things

Sometimes we think too much about things that don’t deserve so much time. Small situations or decisions that don’t have an important meaning. And we may also have the habit of thinking too much about everything, ending up exaggerating the little things.

Boy on a rock brooding

A good technique is to analyze how important the thing itself will be after a week, a month or a year. What consequences can arise from these errors. If it’s not something that affects you in the medium to long term, you don’t need to think about it so much.

4. Stop in time

Some circumstances are not conducive to lucid thinking. For example, when we are tired, we become slower to think and we are more short-tempered. As a result, we easily fall into chains of negative thoughts.

The same happens when we don’t eat, are elated, sad or in a bad mood. In these cases, the best thing is not to allow yourself to think. We must simply say “not now”. Wait for a more favorable time to do so.

5. Don’t feed inaccurate fears

It is not at all difficult to feel fear. We are haunted by various fears, because we live in a paranoid society and because uncertainty is a constant in life, while taking every preventive measure to avoid it.

Woman who keeps thinking

When we are overwhelmed by fear, we need to practice specifying better what it is. What exactly are we afraid of?  Most likely this reasoning helps us understand that there is really no reason to feel this way and, therefore, we can stop ruminating.

6. Loosen the control

We must admit that nothing in life is risk free. When someone is always doubting and starting to mull over everything, they definitely want to have control over the uncontrollable.

In one way or another, each of our actions is a small leap into the void. If we try to eliminate the risk, we will enter a neurotic cycle of inaction. Inaction also comes with risks, so it’s best to let go and let things happen as they should.

7. Sleep well, sleep well, sleep well

Much of our psychic life functions well thanks to sleep. Sleeping well provides a fundamental foundation for maintaining good physical and mental health. Lack of sleep generates serious consequences, including making our thinking confused and decidedly wandering.

Woman sleeping in a hammock

This is why the motto should be to always sleep well. Sleep is one of those activities (because it is an activity) that we must jealously guard. We must not allow anything to alter it, much less the ritual of “brooding”.

All of these tricks to stop ruminating are guidelines that can be of great help.  Ruminating leads nowhere, it is one of those habits that do nothing but hinder everything and prevent us from leading a healthier life.

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