Raisin Exercise To Relax

The raisin exercise is especially recommended for those who want to start practicing meditation but feel that they cannot relax easily. It is also useful for calming the mind and emotions in difficult times.
Raisin exercise to relax

There is a lot of talk about the benefits of meditation, but sometimes we think it’s too complex or challenging. The exercise of raisins proves the opposite. It’s a simple activity that doesn’t take a lot of time and helps you relax in minutes.

The raisin exercise is a training technique to develop concentration and awareness, but also to practice breathing. In all forms of meditation, breathing is essential, as everything else depends on it.

It is important to know that the raisin exercise is especially good for those who are not very experienced with meditation. It helps you to familiarize yourself with this practice and it is recommended to do it when you feel very distressed or following a difficult experience.

Raisin exercise helps in difficult times

The first step is breathing

Breathing management is essential in any relaxation exercise. By breathing correctly, the whole organism is oxygenated, especially the brain, and this is the basis for which the body and mind begin to work at a calmer pace .

Typically, you breathe quickly and shallowly. Even if we don’t notice it, being aware of many things at the same time makes us lose the real connection with our body. Stopping for a moment and breathing deeply, it is as if the mind and emotions cast an anchor and, finally, stability can be achieved.

The first thing to keep in mind is that you must always breathe through your nose  and with your mouth tightly closed . Correct breathing is nasal and never with the lips open. To inhale and exhale deeply, the belly should move and swell.

It’s best to start by simply focusing on how you breathe . Don’t try to control or change your breathing. The desire to want to control everything or do everything correctly is an obstacle to relaxation. Taking care of your breathing will slow it down a bit naturally and spontaneously.

The exercise of raisins

The raisin exercise is actually very simple. To do this, we only need three raisins. What you need to do is go to a quiet place where you are alone and know that you will not be interrupted. Take one of the raisins and eat it, the way it feels most natural to you.

The second part of the exercise involves concentrating on breathing and then eating the second raisins. This time do not do it mechanically, but from the moment they enter into the mouth c ercate to perceive the texture, the taste and the different properties.

Take your time and chew slowly, trying to perceive how the fruit passes through the mouth, tongue, teeth, palate, throat… Try to trace its path as far as possible.

Finally, eat the third raisins, but before taking them to your mouth, observe them carefully. Touch it gently to appreciate its consistency; smell it with your eyes closed to capture its aroma. If you feel like it, break it in two. Only then, can you eat it, without following any particular pattern. Only by following your feelings. And here the exercise ends.

Exercise of the raisins

The meaning of the raisin exercise

Meditation seeks to mitigate and curb ideas and emotions in the mind . However, it is not an easy result to achieve, since we live in a state of constant invasion by the mind. Initially, in fact, we oppose the possibility of emptying the mind.

The raisin exercise is a training that, little by little, leads us to reach the goal of eradicating those ideas and emotions that invade the mind . By focusing on a single point and bringing that contemplative act to its maximum expression, we free ourselves and this produces a sense of tranquility and renewal.

If we are very upset, this exercise is excellent for regaining calm . In fact, it can be done with any fruit, but raisins are highly recommended because it is small and has many properties of smell, taste, etc. Try this exercise and find out for yourself whether it is effective or not.

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