Quotes By Martin Luther King

The quotes from Martin Luther King capture the essence of the arduous struggle that this man began in support of a more just world, through the path of non-violence. These are words worth reflecting on.
Martin Luther King Quotes

The quotes from Martin Luther King show us the clarity of a man who made his life a true example of courage. He was, without a doubt, one of the great architects of justice and equality in the contemporary world.

Reading the quotes from Martin Luther King, you can see the nature of a man who was more than just a human rights activist. A thinker, a genuine leader who preached with facts and who remained true to his beliefs to the last.

The most moving aspect of his poetic legacy is the union between the decision-making firmness of a person who stood out as a true leader, and his absolute attachment to the ideals of radical pacifism. Here are some of the most significant quotes from Martin Luther King.

7 unforgettable quotes from Martin Luther King

1. Martin Luther King’s sentence on justice

Justice and injustice are key topics in Martin Luther King’s speeches. The man experienced firsthand the effects of racial discrimination in his country, and this helped him to understand that lack of justice leads to greater evil.

In this regard, he said: “The injustice that occurs in one place threatens justice everywhere”. With these words he referred to justice as a universal value. It is not only defensible in specific circumstances, but at any time and in any place.

2. The first step …

Martin Luther King led a struggle whose goals seemed impossible to achieve. That is why he was right when he said “You don’t need to see the whole staircase. Just start climbing the first step ”.

Luther King had to deal with a millennial culture governed by ideals that seemed immovable. He knew that he would not achieve his goals right away, so with his sentence he underlined the value of perseverance. It tells us to take action, no matter how long it takes us to reach our goal.

3. The problem is indifference

Here is a sentence from Martin Luther King that we still repeat today and that has never lost its vigor. It reads like this: “ What frightens me is not the violence of the bad guys; it is the indifference of the good “. 

The perverts, the cruel or the unjust are a reality in the minority. Most people are good. And it is precisely the indifference of the majority that often and willingly allows the wicked to take power and keep it at the expense of everything and everyone.

4. The criterion for judging others in the quotations of Martin Luther King

Judging a human being for an accidental or random circumstance is foolish. Being born in a particular country or having a particular appearance says nothing about who we are. They are characteristics independent of the person.

What really speaks about us is the degree of evolution of our mind and heart. For this, Luther King was right when he stated in his speech that “I have a dream, that my four young children will one day live in a nation where they will not be  judged by  the  color of their skin, but by the qualities of their character.. I have a dream today! ”.

5. Expand the truth

Martin Luther King was convinced of how brotherhood and cooperation must be the axis around which human coexistence revolves. For this he spoke the following words: ”  Your truth will increase as  long as you know how to hear the  truth of others.”

Those who withdraw from what appears different, “others”, do nothing but limit their possibilities of expanding what they see and know of the world. Only by listening to and accepting other ways of thinking and seeing reality can you broaden your personal horizons.

6. The disappointment and the hope in the quotations of Martin Luther King

This is perhaps one of the most beautiful quotes from Martin Luther King: We must accept the finished disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope “. These words are a true source of inspiration that strengthens our spirit in the most difficult times.

His statement urges us to cultivate hope as it contains the strength to move forward. In order not to fail in our intentions, it is important to see disillusionment as a passing instant.

The face of Martin Luther King.

7. The cycle of violence

One of the wisest phrases pronounced by Martin Luther King: “With violence you can kill the one who hates, but you don’t kill the hate. Violence increases hatred and nothing else “. It suggests that violence follows its own logic, establishing dynamics that are impossible to escape.

Anything that is arbitrarily obtained leaves scars or generates consequences that will turn into grudges, revenge or claims. Violence begins a cycle that ends only when justice is done.


There are plenty of other Martin Luther King quotes that convey a message of hope and change. The thought and life of this incredible man are and will forever be a source of teaching from which to draw inspiration.

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