Productive Things To Do In Just 5 Minutes

Productive things to do in just 5 minutes

Getting out of bed, taking a shower, writing articles, reading, washing dishes, cleaning the house. When you think about productivity, you always think you need long periods of time; in fact, there are many things you can do in just 5 minutes.

When we think about productivity, we must not think in terms of efficiency, but we must reflect on the important things: on activities that are meaningful to us and on satisfying our needs.

Today, we’re bringing you  a list of productive things you can do when you only have 5 minutes – activities that can be completed quickly. Often, when we are stressed, we forget that there are tasks that do not take a lot of time and that can be very useful in maintaining our emotional balance.

  • Practice meditation for 5 minutes. Meditation helps us relax and reactivate our brain. This activity is particularly useful when we have a great confusion of thoughts in our head or when we are very anxious. Nowadays, on the internet, you can find a lot of information about meditation; you can try it by watching a guided meditation video.
  • Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea. Taking some time for yourself is incredibly productive.
  • Buy a book. Give yourself moments and share them.
  • Reflect on the feelings experienced in your day. Make a note of it if you like and think about your intentions for the rest of the day.
  • Plan with your spouse, partner or loved one to do something fun tonight, tomorrow, or next week.
  • Make a list of five things you are grateful for, including things your body allows you to do.
  • Take a walk. If you are at home, go to the mailbox or walk around the block. If you find yourself at work, walk to your office. Go out for a walk and look at the sky.
  • List the steps required to accomplish a task you are avoiding. Each small step, taken individually, is absolutely doable.
  • Massage your hands.
  • Write down 10 things you want to see, smell, hear, touch and taste to re-tune with the world.
  • Venture out and make the same list, this time referring to the natural environment.
  • Read a few lines of any text that calms you down and reminds you what the really essential things are.
  • Close your eyes and listen to the sounds of the ocean; you can find many other natural sounds on the internet.
  • Do something you have to do, but don’t feel like it (pay taxes, make the bed, fold clothes, fix the desk). Remind yourself that it is only about 5 minutes.
  • Read jokes or watch  comic sketches.
  • Take a sheet of paper and scribble what comes to your mind: mills, curved lines, flowers, … Let your mind free, you will see that it will surprise you.
  • Plan a delicious dinner for this week.
  • Find out about current news that is important to history.
  • Think about what you need physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Think about how to meet each of these needs during this week; it is obvious that the answers are not easy to find, but try to dedicate 5 minutes a day to every need.
  • Remain silent. There is so much wisdom around our mind and body… Stop for a moment. Ask yourself “What is it that I already know?” and wait for the answer. Sit down with no expectations. In order not to lose track of time, you can make use of a timer.

What can be accomplished in five minutes? Make a list of ideas, arrange it in an easily accessible place, and carry out the projects you have written, as if they were daily duties. Over time, you will gain many spiritual and emotional benefits that will make you feel better.

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