Preventing Digital Dementia With 5 Strategies

What is digital dementia? How to prevent it? Find out in this article how to avoid the decline in our cognitive abilities.
Preventing digital dementia with 5 strategies

The term digital dementia was first used by the German psychiatrist Manfred Spietzer. In today’s article, we analyze the 5 key points to prevent digital dementia.

It is the reduction of our cognitive abilities due to the misuse of new technologies. A mechanism similar to the aging process.

Until twenty years ago, the concept of digital dementia would have been science fiction. How is it possible that the human being lets himself be dominated by digital means? We are social animals, capable of reasoning and innovating. It is impossible that we let ourselves be captured by this virtual reality. Yet, that’s not quite the case; that is why it is useful to have tools to prevent digital dementia .

Bad technological habits have several consequences. Obviously, the younger generations are the most exposed to short-term memory problems.

Spitzer says new technologies decrease cognitive performance and memory in people who misuse them. It also highlights the fact that our brain works like a muscle. With continuous use it grows, but if not trained it atrophies. It is therefore essential to stimulate and exercise our mind.

Addiction to technology causes digital dementia, which is the reduction of our cognitive abilities.

Girl with digital addiction

How to prevent digital dementia

We live in a hyper-connected world. It is increasingly common to see children using mobile phones and computers. We can Google any word, without making any mental effort. This is precisely the cause of the spread of digital dementia.

Establish a time

Establish a time to use the phone or computer. If you need it to work, try to respect the moments of rest, necessary for well-being. For example, after dinner or at other times of the day when you take a break.

Don’t forget to spend time with family and friends. When you are in company, do not worry about social media by constantly consulting the phone. This does not mean that you have to give it up entirely. But, like other things, in moderation and balance.

Steve Jobs stated that “Technology is nothing. The important thing is to have faith in people who are good and intelligent ”.

Look for pastimes that replace technology

Learn to play an instrument, sign up for a language class or at the gym… these are all great ways to prevent digital dementia. Try to find pastimes that make you forget the digital world. It should be a hobby that doesn’t force you to think or analyze, so no computer brain training games!

Direct your attention to the real world with pen and paper exercises. For example, you can get a group of friends or family together and spend a few hours with them.

Pastimes to prevent digital dementia

Organize activities outside the home

Go out and enjoy nature. It doesn’t matter if it’s cold or raining, every season has something interesting. Even if you live in the city, you will certainly have a park available to be outdoors. It is great for the lungs and the spirit.

Even if laziness takes over at first, try to repeat this routine every day. Gradually your body and brain will get used to it and you will no longer want to give up your moments in the sun or in the rain.

Forcing yourself to think

The next time you’re tempted to go the easy way, stop. A great strategy for preventing digital dementia is to  ask yourself how you would have done it when the internet didn’t exist yet. You will find that there are many alternatives to technology.

Practice introspection and develop your opinions. Is it possible to get an answer without consulting Google? Wouldn’t it be better to read a book every now and then? Exercise your brain, don’t let it oxidize! Life expectancy is growing more and more and it is essential to keep active.

Introspection and reflection

Replace TV series with books

Watching TV series is a very fun pastime, but it doesn’t have to be the only activity. If you like to escape and immerse yourself in new stories, try a book. Your eyesight will suffer less and your imagination will strengthen.

Literature increases creativity and, as a result, develops underutilized brain areas. Occasionally let the child within you express itself.

Digital dementia is a big problem and affects more and more people. Fighting it is easy, but it has to start with yourself. Try asking anyone what they want to do after a hard day at work: lie down on the sofa, play on the phone, or watch a series.

Constant use of new technologies can be dangerous. The ideal would be to spend at least an hour a day outdoors. Both the brain and the body will thank you. And don’t forget that the use of technological devices doesn’t necessarily have to isolate you from others if you don’t want to. Real life is much more interesting than digital life.

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