Living With Memories Means Limiting Your Life

Living on memories means limiting your life

Living with memories means limiting oneself, because those who do not enjoy everyday life do not take advantage of the present, of their moment to live … life does not consist in remembering, but in acting. It is not going backwards, but forward. It is not being prisoners between the past and the future, as if the here and now did not exist.

Remembering is part of life and, often, it is inevitable for better or for worse. In a way, memories tie us to what we love, who we are and what we don’t want to lose. To what has marked us deeply. However, living on memories is not good.

Memories are deceptive because they are sweetened by the events of the present and the traps of memory. The difference between false memories and real ones is the same that exists between jewels: fake ones seem more real, more brilliant.

Living on memories is impossible

In an interview they asked Albert Einstein what he did when he had a new idea. For example, if he wrote it down on a sheet or in a special notebook. The scientist answered plainly: “When I have a new idea, I don’t forget it”. Nothing could be truer,  when something excites us so much, it is almost impossible to forget it. 

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We remember what is really important, what is capable of moving us, as it activates in us the areas and brain connections necessary to register that memory. The problem is that even what should be forgotten is usually registered with intensity in our mind. Nothing fixes a memory as intensely as the desire to lose it.

Psychology warns us that forgetting is necessary to preserve relevant memories. The mechanism of memory is extremely elaborate and allows us to recover only what is wholly us.

Memories are the perfume that lasts

Pleasure is the flower that blooms when we live, work and act. With these flowers we build our memory every day, which will be the lasting scent. The happiest memories are the moments that ended when it was appropriate, without being dragged over time, without being protracted indefinitely.

We don’t remember days, but moments. For this, we have to produce new situations every time. The richness of life lies in the memories we continue to form. Acting constantly can be complicated, especially if we find ourselves clinging to our comfort zone. However, it is necessary to do this in order to live intensely.

Woman, pink and rainbow

Although we possess a tangible physical body and perceive the surrounding world with all our senses, we tend to live in our mind. However, a decision needs to be made. We can live on memories and the sensations they arouse in us or we can take the reins of our lives and, of course, of our emotions. Only in this way will we be able to fully enjoy our existence.

The key to living instead of remembering lies in thinking, imagining and waiting less. Accept what is there and nothing more. Live in the moment, without letting ourselves be distracted by the deceptions of the mind.

The truth is, in general, we always prepare to live, but we never live. However, life is supposed to work just the other way around. Happiness is found here, not in another hour, but in this one. Don’t forget it.

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