Life Companions Accept You As You Are

Life companions accept you as you are

Life companions are those people who mean a lot more than words can explain. They are an essential part of us, of our nights and days, of our ideas, our emotions, our dreams and our worries.

Companionship in love is more than being passionate lovers or wearing an engagement ring ; it is loving each other without excuses, or ups and downs, it is accepting oneself, helping oneself to grow, walking by the hand through life and feeling full of love.

It means being the best mattress for falls. A coat for the winter. A breath of fresh air in moments of hell. The sun and the stars, a sky full of vitality.

life companions who reach out their hand

Only when one manages to accept the other as he is, does one have love

Life partners love in a way that makes the other person feel free. The beauty of a love like this is the conjunction, forming an emotional hearth, a way in which there is nothing more beautiful than the two relatives.

It could be said that the love that accompanies it is love squared, the one to which almost all of us aspire and in which commitment, passion and friendship are mixed.

We cannot half love, we cannot “love” a single part of our partner. If we don’t do it in its entirety, we are not loving anything. This is not to say that there aren’t things we don’t like, but ultimately it is the essence that we need to love fully.

Loving is an art based on honesty

Loving is an art that requires patience, attention, discipline, responsibility and commitment. It is a game of silence, knowledge, respect, freedom, trust and gifts. With all these elements, letting yourself be loved is complicated.


To have all this, you need to know how to reinvent yourself and overcome your difficulties. You have to respect your own pace, know your needs, avoid attachment, get rid of expectations, be generous and forgive.

Being a perfect couple, a job for two

Being a perfect couple does not mean not having problems, but knowing how to overcome them together. We have to get angry, fight, impose on ourselves, compete, judge, fall into error, get some air, count to ten and let go of everything that torments us.

Achieving the rank of “life partners” requires breaking down old walls and healing the wounds of one’s emotional past. To believe in love, you need to believe in yourself first, cling to the present, collect motives and have great desire.

Particular attention must be paid so that everyone walks their own personal path, in accepting their limits and loving their difficulties. We have to “allow ourselves to be” , turn into a beautiful love, have the audacity to take off our armor to accept and appreciate our vulnerability.

Image courtesy of Mariana Kalacheva and Benjamin Lacombe

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