Letter For Your Sad Days

Letter for your sad days

If you have decided to read this letter it is because sad days abound in your life lately. Maybe you have lost hope, you are overwhelmed by disappointments or you are broken. Whatever the reason, you feel that way.

Before continuing, know that these lines were written to be read in a comfortable and quiet place. A place that is a refuge and where you can be alone with yourself. After that, you need to close your eyes, take a deep breath and only when you feel ready can you start reading. Without haste, calmly and reflecting on every word… are you ready?

You have the right to be sad

Life isn’t always easy. Are you tired of fighting, of pretending a smile when your soul would like to cry, of pretending to feel good with others … hiding your sadness has become a habit, and escaping from pain is what has allowed you to to move on. Now, however, no longer, you feel you cannot go further. Your listlessness is so great that it can no longer be disguised.

There’s nothing wrong. You have every right to feel this way. For real. Cry, scream in pain and don’t smile if you don’t feel like it. Sometimes life weighs and passes over it without thinking twice. Your job is not to always be in a good mood or to wear a disguise to convince others that this is the case. Keep in mind that even masks hurt, because they hide us and show a character we believe we can trust, with the risk, however, of being dragged into his world of falsehood.

Whatever the reason, allow your sadness to manifest itself, to release all that emotional pain you carry inside, every time you hear it knock on your door. Accepting it is the only healthy way, as well as the most adequate, to start building the path to your well-being.

But never forget that sadness is related to memories and, although it is useful to remember, in excess it can become an adverse habit. While you are not responsible for how you feel, you are responsible for how you decide to act.

Hug yourself tight, very tight

From this moment on, forget your fears. If you are brave enough not to worry others, be brave with yourself too, and find out where you are. Look in the mirror and give yourself that love that you have forgotten to give yourself so many times, to recover your authentic beauty, that beauty that you have put aside for the good of others. Do not be afraid. The worst thing you can find out is that you have an unknown person in front of you.

If so, hug her, hug yourself. To find yourself there is no better medicine than the warmth of feeling loved… and you haven’t given it to yourself for a long time now. Treat yourself with affection, free from prejudice and criticism to recover all the fragments that your sadness has scattered, and try to understand yourself.

I ask you, therefore, to stop treating yourself badly. Whatever happened, complaining just makes the wound bleed even more.

It will be of great help to forgive your mistakes, the times you failed to do things right or the times you didn’t know how to do them. You learn by making mistakes. Your mistakes are part of your growth. Surely each of them hides progress. The only problem is that you still haven’t realized it. Perhaps you will find that that way of doing things doesn’t work, and so better, who doesn’t like having one less option to think about? Each time you think this way, you are one step closer to your well-being.

woman hugs herself

Put aside your “loved ones” because : “Why did it have to happen to me?”, “Why does it always happen?”, “Why did he behave like this with me?” … These questions do nothing but compose a spiral with no exit that holds your soul.

You will recognize them as full of justifications, explanations and on the run from any feeling or responsibility. If you don’t check them, they’ll end up making your dreary days a routine. Rather ask yourself how , what and when. It will be more constructive and regenerating.

After hugging and thinking, look in the mirror again to recognize who you really are. Search your eyes, connect with them and, in doing so, say those two simple words of great effect: “I love me!”. Perhaps you will find that you have waited too long for someone to love you and give you the affection you wanted, forgetting that the only person who could do it was you.

The sun that comes out in those sad days

Your sad days need to be heard to be understood. Only by doing this will your wounds begin to heal, and the pain to disappear. Understanding this is the key to moving forward, and self-love is the most powerful tool that will allow you to reach the goal.

Because even in your sad days the sun comes out, not very bright so as not to dazzle you, allowing you to gradually adapt to its strength. It is up to you to decide to receive its light or, vice versa, to cover yourself with a blanket so as not to be reached by its rays. Our suggestion is to give it a try. Be brave once again to feel and understand your sadness, without ceasing to be authentic.

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