Learn To Deal With Fear

Learn to deal with fear

We are all afraid of something. We have certain fears from an early age, such as the fear of spiders. Other times we develop them little by little as we grow up and because of our experiences, such as the fear of failure. This emotion is a psychological adaptation that we have experienced since the beginning of evolution and it has been very important for the progress and development of man.

Fear can be a major obstacle to our growth; to progress, we must learn to deal with it. When we allow fear to inhibit us, we risk being stuck for a long time and thus let our goals slip away, even without wanting to.

Rational fear and irrational fear

The first thing to do to deal with fear is to understand if it is a rational or irrational fear. Rational fear is that which emerges from a fact or situation that represents a real danger to us. A possible example is to run into a snowstorm while driving on the highway. Irrational fear, on the other hand, arises from a situation or event that cannot actually inflict any damage on us, such as darkness.

When we identify the type of fear that is afflicting us, it will be easier to see the solution. For example, knowing that we suffer from a rational fear can help us look for a possible solution to get out of the risky situation. Irrational fear, on the other hand, can paralyze us and prevent us from moving forward, without there being a real cause.

Prepare for the moment when fear will attack you 

If you know, or at least suspect, that you will find yourself in a situation that will cause you to feel fear, it is important that you prepare for it . Rational fear can be fought with preventive means, while irrational fear requires deep analysis and introspection – since it may be a phobia or another psychological disorder, it is generally necessary to consult a specialist. Think about what this fear actually generated and then try to remember the occasions in which you found yourself facing this situation and what the final result was.

Confront the circumstance that frightens you

If your fear is rational, such as that caused, as we said before, by driving in the middle of a snowstorm, it will be sufficient to take precautionary measures. If you happen to find yourself in this circumstance, but at the same time you are protected by car insurance and have been informed about what to do, you can face the problem and get out of it easily.

If you suffer from an irrational fear of the dark, you can try to put yourself in this condition. You can start with “small doses”, such as staying in a dark room for a few minutes until you get used to the situation, and then increase the “level” of this test until your fear is overcome. Don’t forget that the use of these techniques should always be monitored by a healthcare professional.

Facing and defeating fear is up to you. We are all afraid and it is important to learn how to fight it and eventually use it to our advantage.

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