Interpersonal Emotional Connection: 7 Signals

Interpersonal emotional connection: 7 signals

The signals of an emotional connection (CE) can be difficult to interpret, since various variables come into play in interpersonal relationships that make them confused, that change their path or that feed them. Based on this, in this article we will refer to this type of connection as lasting, stable and enjoyable, as well as the building block of many relationships.

In this regard, we believe that establishing and maintaining the emotional connection with another person is not an easy task, although some people do it naturally. In fact, it is a real challenge that continually tests our ability to distinguish and interpret signals within a specific social context.

How to recognize an emotional connection between people

The people with whom we establish an emotional connection give us peace of mind, they make us feel comfortable during the interaction. This connection makes us more open to the teachings of life, gives us the charge of energy and makes us feel happier.

1. Understanding

Two people between whom this connection is established have the opportunity to achieve high levels of mutual understanding. A type of understanding that lies at the base of empathy and that makes it easier, for example, to listen or comfort.

Girlfriends drinking coffee together

2. The instant connection

In order for the emotional connection to be generated and maintained, it is not always necessary to build this type of relationship step by step. It may be that the personalities “understand” each other from the first moment. The connection is, in this case, immediate and can intensify over time.

This does not mean that if an emotional connection is not perceived at first glance, it cannot be established later. Immediacy is a typical trait of emotional connection, but it does not absolutely prevent it from developing in the future.

3. Personal growth

Emotionally connected people first grow together, on a personal and spiritual level. Thanks to this connection, these two individuals know each other’s anxieties in depth and generally share them. This favors the creation of a positive environment, which gives both of you the opportunity to grow through experience.

All this is closely related to communication. Dialogues between people who have an emotional connection to each other are often stimulating. They never stop learning, whatever the topic of conversation.

4. Peace of mind

People who make an emotional connection with each other feel at peace. With this lack of stress it is very easy to distance yourself from problems and see them from the right perspective. Positive emotions arise from this tranquility, and even a new point of view that allows you to solve even a specific problem.

Young people conversing at sunset

5. The company

Emotional connection is a good antidote to loneliness; this is because we always feel in company, regardless of the distance that separates us from the other person. Adding this to tranquility, the result is that we perceive that we are present in the other’s thoughts, that we exist beyond physical limits.

Especially in critical moments, this feeling can help find solutions to various problems. Without needing to ask for help, this person will do everything possible to be close to us, listen to us and support us when we need it most.

6. The charm

We feel a certain attraction for the people we make such a special connection with. They always seem interesting to us and we are their biggest followers. Any success of theirs is shared by us sincerely, without envy, without judgment.

This does not mean that the people who make these connections among themselves do not see the defects in the other. On the contrary,  this is because when there is a strong emotional connection, one is transparent with one another. However, unlike what happens with others, it is very easy to talk to this special person about our and his flaws and, as we have seen, grow accordingly together.

7. Empathy

The last important trait of emotional connection is empathy. As we have already seen, people who share this bond do not always need to verbally express their fears: they are able to bring out the other’s emotions by conversing. the ease of putting yourself in the other’s shoes strengthens the relationship.

More tips on emotional connection

When the relationship with the other person already exists, we can nurture this connection. How can this be done? Working in full awareness precisely on the typical traits of emotional connection. For example, by exercising our empathy: when we worry about the other person’s problems, we can try to reflect on their experience.

Cup that converses

In this way it will be easier for the other person to perceive that our concern is real; a concern that we manifest through our attempt to be truly helpful. In many cases, only with this gesture can we relieve the anxiety of others and, consequently, improve communication.

Finally, it is necessary to underline the importance of emotionally interesting responses : if someone shares their experience with us, we do well to worry about what happened on that occasion, but we would do even better if, in addition to paying attention, we were able to ” read ”his emotions, what he experienced in that situation.

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