Interesting People Make Me Rich, Not Interested Ones

Interesting people make me rich, not interested ones

Interesting people are said to be rare, as are those pure diamonds that blind with their sparkle. Well, there is no need to be so exaggerated. Surely, you too have some adventure companions you can count on. Accomplices of unforgettable moments and faithful architects of positive emotions. Those emotions that make you grow inside and that make you laugh.

In life you will meet people with terribly selfish interests and people with humble hearts and curious minds. From the former you have to defend yourself, from the latter you must learn.

We all have our flaws and our virtues and we are all, no doubt, interesting in our own way. Of course, there is a gulf between being interesting and being interested.

How many times have you clashed with interested people? Unfortunately, interest (in the negative sense of the term) is a frequent refrain in many interpersonal relationships. We are not telling you to sever ties with these people or shut the door on them. It is simply about knowing how to manage the emotions that produce you, setting limits, living in peace and knowing how to say “enough”.

We invite you to reflect on it with us.

Interesting people teach me to be better

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Life should be a continuous exchange of affection, knowledge and experience. In this way, we would all gain and no one would lose. However, this is not always the case.

Interesting people shine with its originality, its authenticity and its charm. It is interesting because it knows how to welcome and respect and because it allows you to establish a balanced exchange of feelings and emotions.

We get in tune with interesting people quickly, without knowing why . They appear in our life and we immediately feel that a union of ideas, passions and pleasures is created. Our worlds cross and we both make money. Here is a rough description of the interesting people:

  • They add their pieces to the puzzle of our values ​​and passions. This connection creates an immensity of positive emotions.
  • They expand our mind, bring us knowledge, relativize our point of view and enrich us.
  • The exchange is not one-way, the benefit is mutual. We also contribute and offer. We receive and establish an ongoing lesson through experiences, which further strengthen the friendship or relationship.

It is not easy to find people who perfectly match our thinking, our passions and our interests. Interesting people do not “match”, but challenge us by offering us news, and that is why we grow with them.

We all need that magic that comes from afar and that leads us astray, making us explore new areas of knowledge. These are very stimulating personalities and with whom we share certain values ; there is a subtle balance between these two characteristics.

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How to treat affected people

Every day we live with interested people; it’s not always easy to cut ties with them and we don’t always want to be so radical. It could be our parents, who have never lost that implicit selfishness, or a colleague of ours, who always manipulates us with his subtle interest.

We must not flee from the people concerned: they must be faced by setting limits and marking the personal territory. Every interested person is essentially selfish and does nothing but expect others to let them live as they want. Those who have a habit of always wanting to benefit from relationships run the risk of being alone.

It is true that, for our balance and our health, we should be surrounded by interesting and uninterested people, but it is not always easy to avoid the latter. What can we do? How should we treat them?

  • Don’t give in to their small gestures or you will end up making big sacrifices.
  • Never agree to do something you don’t want, no matter how insignificant it is. It is normal that, if you say no, the other person is incredulous or even offended; however, you must make it clear from the outset what your limitations are.
  • Very often the people concerned make use of emotional blackmail: β€œ if you don’t do this, it’s because you don’t love me ”. Don’t allow it: Emotional blackmail is an implicit form of mistreatment and, as such, you should make it clear to the other. ” If you really loved me, you wouldn’t ask me to .”
  • Pay attention to every word and every gesture. Interested people are very subtle in their actions, so it is good that you pay attention to everything; in this way, you will not get carried away by their will, by their hidden selfishness. With their appearance, they do nothing but “sweeten the pill”.
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Remember that the best in life is not the things, but the moments. Those moments shared with people who enrich you, interesting individuals who do not hurt your emotions and your essence, but make you grow and have a higher value.

Images courtesy of Jiwoon Pak, Yimin Yoon

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