If You Love Someone, You Want To See Them Happy

If you love someone, you want to see them happy

Who can say they love someone and, at the same time, hope that something bad will happen to them? Nobody. Is there a way to love another human being and not want with all your strength to see him happy and cheerful? I really say no.

Sometimes life can be very difficult. There are various events that can trigger a vital disaster from which it is not easy to get out with your head held high. Nevertheless, when you love someone, you want to see them happy, whatever the cost.

The happiness of the loved one

The happiness of the loved one is a principle that everyone should know clearly. It is not something that you have to think about, but that you just feel. There is no greater desire in one’s heart than to see a loved one live happily.

Couple in love holding hands

A person who loves intensely and who is happy does not desire the evil of anyone, especially that individual who makes his life so special and who fills it with affection and hope.

A happy person is a person who is alive, loving, affectionate and who watches over the good of all who make his existence special and complete.

If you don’t want happiness for your loved one …

If you do not want the happiness of the person you say you love, perhaps you need to reflect on your feelings, because it is clear that the love you feel is not complete and perhaps you do not love that person as much as you think.

We invite you to reflect on yourself, your feelings, your emotions and your abilities. You always have to do a self-assessment to be aware of who you are and what you are looking for in life.

First of all, you have to worry about getting to the bottom of your heart to understand exactly what the desires it contains and the real needs you feel are. If you do n’t, you wo n’t be able to make anyone happy and therefore not even yourself.

A happy and loved being

You must remember that the person you love is not perfect. In him / her you will find many defects, as many as you have.

Nevertheless, if you love her sincerely, you will want to see her happy; to the point that defects will immediately fade into the background, you won’t care at all and will even end up turning into strengths.

A person in love does not need to have at his side a perfect being who always knows how to complete, understand or love the other. He just needs to be loved, to feel unique in the world and to be happy with what he has achieved in life, which is a lot.

If the person next to you is unique to you, you will have only one priority in life, and that is to see them happy, complete and cheerful. Give her all the love she needs so she never has to stop flying.

Finding happiness in others

Couple in love hugging each other

Many say that it is possible to get to know a person from his friendships, relatives and loved ones. This is not a bad idea, because we always tend to seek understanding and people who resemble us and complement us.

In this regard, someone who surrounds himself with happy people, and who wants to see happy, because he loves them, will discover a new strength on which to lean to live their life more fully.

It’s not about love for just your partner. It is possible to love with all your soul and heart your friends, relatives, and any other person who has meaning to you and makes you better.

Being able to make others happy is a skill that can complement you as a person and an added benefit to you, to make yourself better and to live life to the fullest, all simply because you love others.

It is therefore a good exercise to ask yourself what you want for others. Anyone who wants to see the person they love happy certainly has a great advantage at their disposal, because they know that that person is unique and will give them a wonderful existence.

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