I Have Decided That The Rest Of My Life Will Be Better

I have decided that the rest of my life will be better

Today I choose to be happy, I choose to give myself priority, to take care of myself and love myself a little more  and that the stars illuminate the path of my life that still remains for me to walk, so that everything that comes is positive. I choose to be brave and to know how to give happiness to my loved ones.

It is never too late for good intentions, it is never too late to realize that perhaps we deserve more and that  we ourselves are the first to be convinced to take the helm of our life and give,  why not , more air to our sails in way to achieve happiness.

Sometimes, and without realizing it, people postpone their life. We limit ourselves to “exist”, but not to “live”. We are not talking about not being able to do it due to economic problems, there are those who lead an authentic, full and happy life by possessing the bare minimum.

We talk about a life in which one is in harmony with oneself and guided by the heart, truly doing what one loves and surrounding oneself with people who are reciprocated in an authentic way.

There are times when we get stuck in an eternal waiting room, waiting to buy the ticket for that real and authentic life; this happens because  we are tied to things, situations or even people that completely prevent our personal growth.

When life is not life and it is only existence

woman with hair on her face

Throughout our life cycle, we go through several stages where happiness is not always guaranteed. They are moments in which life is not life, it is just a passing of the days in which we are diluted, devoid of intensity, in which there are no ambitions.

Those who simply let themselves be carried away by the routine and the choices that others make for them, lose their direction every day. Certainly there will come a time when he will stop knowing himself, because his identity will have frayed into a cold cloak that will no longer repair his self-esteem. In which there will be nothing left.

  • Sometimes certain situations end up conditioning us in such a way that we no longer question things. “I know that my job does not make me happy, that it compromises my rights, but at least I have an income. Leaving him is a risk and, despite the fact that he is losing our health, there is nothing I can do about it ”.
  • Another reason why we remain blocked and limited in our personal growth is represented by the emotional relationships that limit our aspirations, that forbid our spaces, our goals, to the point that, sometimes, we opt to let ourselves be carried away.

In reality, there are many reasons why our life, that authentic life that we dream of for ourselves, is postponed. Maybe it is we ourselves who close the doors due to indecision, the fear of leaving the comfort zone.

The enemies of our vital growth and our happiness are not always out. Sometimes our own thoughts and attributes can be the most dangerous.


Today I decide that the best of my life will begin

The simple decision is already a big step. Deciding to want to be happy implies an act of courage: to  surround ourselves with something with great strength, something that is called enthusiasm and, in turn, a life project.

Starting today, let’s stop seeing life according to the philosophy of “leafing through a book”. Now write the book of your life to be the authentic protagonists. To do this, the following steps are required:

  • Today begins the rest of your life and will be the best of your life. For this to happen, you need to understand that  your happiness really depends on only one thing: yourself and your attitude.
  • Every action of determination requires acts of courage. Since you are now the architects of your own destiny, the time has come to understand what prevents you from being yourself. Understand what makes you unhappy, sad and what undermines your self-esteem.
  • Consider that in order to be happy, you may need to make more than one renunciation.
  • Now that you are aware of what hurts you, aim for what is important to you and which you will never give up: family, friends, passions, dreams, etc.
girl who lives to the fullest

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