I Do What I Need Without Asking Permission

I do what I need without asking permission

I’m tired of being told what to do or, even worse, that they dare to tell me if it’s good or bad. I get angry when someone takes the right to tell me how things should be done or how they shouldn’t be done. Starting now, I will do what I need without asking anyone’s permission.

I think it is constructive that a person close to me tries to advise me if I need help  or that he gives me his opinion without double ends and without causing harm. However, I will no longer tolerate them judging me or deciding how I should live my life – especially if they know nothing about me.

Nobody can deprive me of my autonomy

Since each person is unique in the way they behave and be, it is quite easy to have doubts about the actions of others. If someone told you that you are special, they were right: each of us is special because of our particular way of seeing the world and facing it.


I have my personal tastes, my life experiences, my inner hierarchy of values ​​- none of this is better or worse than the others. No one better than me can know what I experienced, what led me to be who I am or to think in this way, or how bad it can be to feel criticized for fun.

Not only that, no one can deprive me of my autonomy, because each of us has the right to be free as long as he respects those around him. This means having regard and care in all relationships with others, even the most cordial: learning to tolerate the decisions of others.

In other words, I have decided to share my life with people who I value for who they really are and that is an unshakable point. Those who love me know what I need and do not allow themselves to give or deny me permission to obtain it. I don’t need others to understand my reasons, as long as they respect them with affection. 

There is a price to try

In my everyday decisions I can be wrong, of course, but the human being was born with the possibility of error and the virtue of learning from it. I’d rather try and pay the price of failure than live with remorse because someone else told me I shouldn’t.

I finally understood that the final and decisive word that will lead me to conquer the world is mine. That if I want to try, I’m free to do it. While this will cause me an indelible emotional wound, I want to be the only one responsible for my pain.

If I allow myself to be influenced by others and remain motionless, I may not have any wounds in the end, but no doubt I will be filled with regrets. I would spend the rest of my days regretting not having the courage to defend my interests and fight for them.


In the future I will be the only one to remember what I have done with my life

If you have values ​​and ideals and are convinced of them, fight for them, always. Let the criticisms and judgments of others slip on you, especially when they are not spoken to benefit you. The only way to make sense of our work is to act by following what is inside of us.

It can hurt to see people meddle in their own affairs, but don’t listen to them: in the future you will only remember the consequences of your actions. The others will speak, they will judge, they will criticize, but in the end they will forget.

The time we are given is not enough to waste it doing what we don’t like to do just for fear of “what they will say”. I don’t have time to waste getting sick because someone else doesn’t like my decisions. Ultimately, I don’t have time to not do what I need to do without asking anyone’s permission.

Images courtesy of Pascal Campion

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