I Am The Woman Of My Life As Well As Yours

I am the woman of my life as well as yours

We are just passing through an ephemeral life that is worth living with maximum intensity. Why live in slavery to the wills and whims of others? Almost without realizing it, our days will come to an end and we will not be able to be ourselves.

It is clear that being part of someone’s love life implies a great responsibility. In one way or another, attachment develops, the need for closeness, affection and reciprocity. It must be said that as long as these attachments are healthy and allow the people involved in the relationship their spaces, then everything will be fine.

We all know that in some ways these words are easy to say and very complicated to put into practice. Why … How can we not love someone completely, down to the smallest part of our being?

It is inevitable. However, it is worth remembering that, while loving with such intensity, we should never lose our identity, our self-esteem. We must not allow our life and our control over it to weaken like smoke coming out of an open window.

When we lose control of our life


To love, whether we want it or not, also means to need. We need to share life with the person we love, we need commitment, stability, plans for the future and to feel fulfilled.

Has this ever happened to you sometimes? Have you ever felt dependent on someone to the point of losing your patterns, your own integrity ? These are arguably the most destructive relationships.

You may also have been surprised by the title of this article: “I am the woman of my life as well as yours”. Obviously the message can and should be applied to both genders, both men and women. However, it is almost always women who tend to give themselves completely without expecting anything in return. It is women who, on average, suffer most from emotional inequality and power in love relationships.


Now let’s see what are the reasons why this usually happens:

  • They find satisfaction and feel fulfilled by giving anything for their loved one. Nobody can half love, but women often offer more than they should. They postpone personal and work projects because their priority is the partner and his projects. Until, in the end, they understand everything they let slip.
  • On many occasions and almost without realizing it, one can end up in very unbalanced relationships. Emotional manipulation on the part of the partner develops and women struggle to get out of this tunnel. Love becomes suffering and suffering compromises self-esteem.
  • Love, without realizing it, often results in dependence on the part of both people involved in the relationship. However, it may happen that one of the two people in reality, more than love, looks for other dimensions: filling gaps, the need to feel valued, filling emotional gaps, avoiding loneliness in any way, etc.

We must pay close attention to these aspects.

My life and yours: two paths that cross and respect each other


Nobody comes into the world knowing every aspect of emotional relationships. Anyone who has never made a mistake is because they have not given themselves the opportunity to learn. Anyone who has not felt disappointed is because they still do not know what they need.

– Be the woman you’ve always wanted to be, it’s never late to achieve this, it’s never too late to take the train you’ve always wanted to get on.

Be the women of your life and open the door only to those who deserve to be part of your personal adventure: those who enrich you, those who give you light and not darkness, those who value you and allow you to grow as people.

– Be the women who allow themselves to laugh every day, full of hope and not fear. Walk your personal path with confidence, letting it cross with what destiny has decided to give you.

Images courtesy of Claudia Trembay and David Renshaw .

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