Healing A Broken Heart

Healing a broken heart

Everyone, to a greater or lesser extent, has at times had the feeling of having a broken heart. The experience of losing something important can happen in many situations, not just love ones.

Some will have happened to have fallen in love with someone who has not paid them back, others will have experienced it at the end of an important love relationship; you can even feel your heart shattering from the loss of a dear friendship.

People describe broken heart by referring to feelings of sadness, bitterness, disillusionment, emptiness, pain.

I met a guy who couldn’t forget his ex-girlfriend and who, despite knowing there was no hope of getting back with her, wasn’t willing to be with anyone else. This was symptomatic of his refusal to heal his broken heart.

Many go through such negative experiences, but  you can always start from scratch. To do this, you must have the intention and take the necessary measures.

If you lock yourself in your sadness and barricade your heart, you will allow a bad experience to ruin your whole future love life and beyond.

I began to examine the boy’s thoughts, asking him to tell me why he thought he would never meet another girl with whom to share his life. If erroneous thoughts are not eliminated, it is not possible to move forward.

I won’t meet anyone like that anymore

These thoughts are universal and completely erroneous. If you have met people in love who have lost those they loved or if you have experienced it on your skin, you will know the recurrence of the phrase “I will never meet a person like this again”.

Logically, where there is love, there is also the idea that that person is unique in the world, that no one else will like you in the same way. However, this is deeply wrong. As time erases the feelings and you meet new people, you will realize that there are many types, people of all kinds, and it is therefore possible to meet someone who matches your needs.

The boy we were talking about before said to me: “There is no one like you”. It is clear that we are all unique, but the profile of those who managed to make you fall in love continues to exist in other people. I asked him, “Have you met other girls since your relationship?” and replied: “No, I am not interested in knowing others, because none are like her”.

We clearly see that the problem of thinking that we will never know anyone like this lies within us. If we don’t do anything to keep getting to know other people, we won’t be able to find others we may like. People we may like certainly exist, but we must open up and try to get to know them.

If we do nothing, the erroneous thought will come true that we will never know someone like that, but it will only happen because we have closed ourselves in shell.

What can we do to relieve the pain of a broken heart?

1. Leave the memories behind

: It is important to make the decision to leave the memories behind. Do not look at photos of the other person, do not leave objects that remind you of them in sight, do not contact them in any way, either via the internet or by text message, telephone, etc.

“With full hands you take nothing”. If you continue to be in touch with the person you like, you will not be able to have eyes for anyone else. For this reason, make the decision to “close the door” and make room for the new that is to come.

2. Keep busy

There is no better medicine than keeping your mind busy, especially in activities you enjoy. It is forbidden to remain doing nothing: inactivity leads to frustration. If you don’t have things to do, therefore, go out and play sports, occupy your time by participating in some courses, activities, outings, etc.

3. You meet new people

: social relationships are very rewarding. If you meet new people and you are accompanied by the right people, the ones with whom you feel a feeling or connection, you will realize that in life you can always start from scratch and that the best way is to start from social relationships.

4. Take care of yourself

: it is a very important part of recovering from emotional pain. When the heart is in pain, there is more stress than normal. For this reason, we must take care more than ever, adopting a healthy lifestyle, consisting of a balanced diet, a good rest with stable schedules and regular exercise.

5. Patience and accept

: everything in this life is fleeting and the emotional pain is no less. Continue to continue on your path, even with a broken heart, carrying the pain on your shoulders, but without ceasing to advance : with patience, knowing that it is a passing thing, that will improve with the passing of the days, and with acceptance, knowing that the life is like that, sometimes wonderful, while at others you have to feel pain.

Be careful to mask the pain

Many people consider themselves unable to face the pain of a broken heart. What they do is fall into alcohol, drugs, adopt inadequate rhythms of life, eat poorly, etc.

All these negative behaviors are nothing more than escapes from reality. In this way, the pain will not be healed, but masked and will gradually lead to destruction. Not only will you continue to experience emotional pain, but you will also have added additional problems that will damage your health.

The smartest way to get out of this situation is to deal with yourself in a healthy way: by taking care of yourself, accepting, opening new doors and letting the pain become more and more subdued as the days go by.

Those who decide to face falling out of love without getting hurt show greater courage than those who resort to an unhealthy life to mask the pain.

Those who manage to overcome a broken heart in a healthy way, taking care of their health and accepting the negative situation, will also have acquired tools and experience that will contribute to their personal development and emotional strengthening.

Images courtesy of Seyed Mostafa Zamani and D. Sharon Pruitt

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