Hands Off Cats: Hunt For An Online Killer

In this article (attention contains spoilers) we will talk about a thriller based on real events. This docuseries tells us about a psychopath who kills cats and publishes videos on the net. Users watch his videos and investigate for justice.
Hands off cats: hunt for an online killer

Hands off cats: Hunt for an Online Killer is the perfect title for this docuseries that keeps us glued to the screen from the very first minutes. Already from the first publication on the net, the disturbing videos on the mistreatment of cats will shake the consciences of some internetnauts. They will join forces and investigate who can hide behind such abominable actions. Their investigation will be more effective than that of the police.

The docuserie Hands off cats: chasing an online killer is based on real events and tells the story of the Canadian killer Luka Magnotta and a group of internetnauts who are mobilizing to have him arrested.

Hand using a computer keyboard

Hands off cats: hunt for an online killer. Who is Luka Magnotta?

Magnotta’s real name is Eric Kirk Newman, born in Toronto in 1982 to teenage parents. After the separation of his parents, the stories about his childhood are many and contradictory.

Luka’s mother, Anna Yourkin, describes Luka’s father as a “proud Nazi” and an abusive husband. Luka’s father, who testified during his son’s trial, spoke of himself as a schizophrenic and confessed to his wife’s abuses in the family.

Dysfunctional family and bullying

After the divorce, the woman remarried, but the new husband was also a violent man. Home-educated until high school, Magnotta was bullied when he started attending school. He retired before graduating and spent time in various psychiatric hospitals and foster homes.

During a visit to the hospital when he was still a teenager, Magnotta stated that he suffered from hallucinations. For this reason, he was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia.

One of his first documented crimes was a fraud for which he was convicted in 2004. He stole a friend’s credit card and withdrew about $17,000. Later, he unsuccessfully began various jobs as an actor, model, stripper, date and porn actor.

Hands off cats: hunt for an online killer …

The docuseries was made like a real thriller, with twists that no one expects, a cast of ingenious internet heroes that will surprise you and a killer whose true identity will leave you stunned.

One boy, two kittens

It all starts with Deanna Thompson, an internet-obsessed Las Vegas casino data analyst. In 2010, Deanna found a video titled 1 Boy, 2 Kittens on the internet . The video showed a young man dressed in a hooded sweatshirt killing two kittens by vacuum sealing them inside a bag.

Horrified by what she had just seen, she began an online protest by creating a group to find the ruthless killer. Thanks to the Facebook group, he got in touch with John Green, a man from Los Angeles who was also outraged by the video.

Hands off cats …  Cruelty and fury against cats

The young man did not stop and published another video in which he fed a helpless cat to a python. He later released a third video in which he cruelly drowned a cat in a bathtub. Deanna Thompson and John Green knew they had to stop the boy before the next victim could be a person.

Using various technological tools such as Google Maps and the GPS data present in a photo, they finally found the name and place: Luka Magnotta, Toronto, Canada. It was a race against time. The police had not yet considered the complaints filed and the young man was ready to commit a more serious crime.

A fool and the icebreaker

In 2012, Luka Magnotta took Jun Lin, a Chinese engineering student, to his apartment in Montreal. There he abused him, stabbed him several times and once killed he dismembered his body. He also ate body parts and all in front of a camera. When he finished, he posted the video on the internet.

Later, Jun Lin’s dismembered body was found along with other incriminating evidence. Additionally, Magnotta sent a victim’s hand and foot to the Liberal Conservative Party headquarters in Montreal.

How we managed to stop it constitutes the plot of the docuserie, the leitmotiv that gives it rhythm and coherence. That’s why we don’t reveal it in this article. What we want to underline is the incredible courage and intelligence of the internet surfers who allowed Luka to be arrested and the inefficiency of the police who could not follow in his footsteps.

Close-up face of luka magnotta

Where is Luka Magnotta now?

Luka Magnotta claimed that he was just a victim and that behind it all was a stranger named Manny. However, investigations have not confirmed the existence of this man and it has been established that Magnotta was the only person responsible. In December 2014 he was found guilty of first degree murder and sentenced to life in prison.

Magnotta is serving his prison sentence in Port-Cartier prison, Quebec. In 2017 he married an inmate convicted of murder.

In the Netflix series, police detectives and amateur web investigators theorize that Magnotta was fascinated by serial killers and movies like Basic Instinct and American Psycho . He is thought to have committed his crimes out of a perverse desire for fame and notoriety.

Lin Jun’s family came from China to attend the trial and the victim’s father, Lin Diran, released a heartbreaking statement: “In one night, we lost all our hopes.”

“I came to watch the trial and make sure justice was done. I am leaving satisfied because you did not defraud my son. I came to find out what happened to our son that night and leave without a full response. I had come to see if the killer had any remorse, to hear some form of apology, I leave without any of that ”.

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