Habits To Change Life For The Better

Habits to change life for the better are simple actions that find space in anyone’s daily life. They ensure serenity, balance, therefore more thoughtful decisions.
Habits to change your life for the better

One of the cornerstones of Zen is being able to calm thoughts and emotions to build lasting and stable inner peace. The latter is a necessary condition to act in the most suitable way and savor well-being. In this article, we present 7 habits to change your life for the better. The aim is to create the conditions necessary to ensure inner balance.

If we feed peaceful thoughts and emotions, we will act with clarity and gather more strength. By doing so, we do not waste our energies unnecessarily and achieve better results in everything. Let’s see in the following lines the habits to change our life for the better.

7 habits to change your life for the better

1. Learn to breathe

You will be surprised to find out how life changing can be by dedicating a few moments to breathing every day, especially in these difficult times. Breathing is essential for the proper functioning of our brain and mind.

One of the habits to change for the better is just this: to breathe. It is simply a habit of taking a couple of minutes to slow down your breathing, every day and whenever you feel agitated.

Girl breathing with closed eyes.

2. Change the narrative

Almost without noticing, very often we write some sort of script or script to hurt ourselves. These are thoughts that appear and disappear to tell us that we can’t make it, that things will go wrong or that we should be afraid, etc.

One of the habits that allows us to improve our life is to rationalize the negative thoughts that follow one another and modify them. Let’s get rid of all those ideas that belittle us, that blame us or that hurt us violently.

3. Smiling, one of the habits to change for the better

Sometimes it’s okay to do a little test. Greet someone with a serious expression and the next day do it with a smile. Watch the reactions carefully, for sure you will notice a big difference.

It is proven that smiling is an action that releases a series of neuropeptides that positively affect our mood. So, show off your smile and look in the mirror, especially in the most difficult moments. Make your smile a habit.

4. Reprogram the perception of pain

It is common to think that a good life is free of pain. This concept is wrong, as well as unrealistic. All major life events involve some degree of pain, starting with birth.

Pain is not something to be avoided, but an experience to be accepted as a natural fact. But that’s not all, it is also one of the factors responsible for our evolution, as long as we are able to understand it as a life lesson.

5. Merge with nature

Don’t wait until you reach the limit to unplug. One of the habits to live better consists precisely in this: to interrupt the routine to get in touch with nature and allow it to invade us with its peace.

And it must not be an occasional activity, but a habit to be integrated into our life and to be implemented regularly. Blending into nature is worth as much as working, completing one’s duty. The effect is wonderful and long lasting.

6. Live in the present to change for the better

Focusing on the past or the future is a tedious exercise. These are times over which we have no control, just as we must not lose our heads. Most of the time, thinking about it is just a way to fuel nostalgia or anxiety.

Furthermore, it is very important to be aware of our history and it is essential to have a clear idea of ​​where we want to go. However, the important thing is to prioritize the present so as not to fall victim to a negative and not at all useful state of mind.

Deep breaths.

7. Meditate on habits to change your life for the better

Meditating does not necessarily mean sitting on a cushion in the lotus position and reaching Nirvana or something like that. We can meditate while washing the dishes, on the way home, or practically any time we are not required to focus too much on the outside world.

Meditating means getting in tune with yourself. Feel yourself. Focus on the beats of your heart, on the rhythm of the air that enters and leaves the body. Become aware of the thoughts that swarm in our mind and the feelings that surface.


Actions to change for the better are simple and adapt to any person’s life. You will just need the desire to include them in your life and discipline to turn them into habits.

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