Faculty Of Psychology, A Unique Experience

If you are thinking of enrolling in the faculty of psychology, know that this academic path has lights and shadows. But in the end, following this school career allows you to have a unique experience.
Faculty of Psychology, a unique experience

For some years now, the faculty of psychology has begun to have the recognition it deserves. Its applications increase from year to year, more and more universities offer this path and many graduates.

Although it has always enjoyed a lot of popularity, this university course has only taken a prominent role in the last decade. But like any path, the faculty of psychology also has its lights and shadows. Let’s see them together.

The myth of personal growth

Many believe that studying psychology is equivalent to embarking on a path of self-knowledge and personal development, almost as if it were a Tibetan religion. This is one of many myths.

Despite the aura of mysticism, the faculty of psychology is still a university with good and less good teachers and with the most disparate subjects. Physiological psychology, research methods in psychology, psychometrics are very different and necessary subjects to have a global vision of human behavior.

It is equally widespread the belief that this course of study favors thought, reflection, criticism and discussion. If you are attracted to these four dimensions, perhaps the best choice is not to enroll in the faculty of psychology, but of philosophy.

A few decades ago, the degree in psychology was a path of the faculty of teaching, a context in which these four disciplines perhaps found more space. Today, it belongs to the health sciences and the subjects or contents are no longer the same.

This does not mean that those who undertake this career do not grow as a person. Personal growth is also linked to choosing a job that you like and that makes you happy, rather than the career itself.

“I attend the faculty of psychology, I’ll have a white coat”

Another expectation is the “white coat”, an expectation perhaps fueled by the fact that when one begins to study, many tests are clinical . Many people think that, immediately after graduating in psychology, a practice can be opened and that the daily bread will be to treat patients. 

Studying psychology offers many career opportunities, however clinical psychology remains the preferred area for students. However, this expectation is far from reality.

Because? First of all, because the activity of psychotherapist is subject to a specific professional training that requires a specialization course. This means that a degree alone is not enough. If you want to open your own studio you will have to make a considerable financial investment.

Faculty of Psychology, a unique experience

Perhaps some expectations do not correspond to reality, however it is worth enrolling in the faculty of psychology. Psychology deals with human behavior, a very broad subject of study. The possibility of wandering between so many fields of knowledge requires an open mind. Perhaps the problem may be precisely the difficulty of choosing one of these areas.

Finally, if we talk about students, it is easy to find personalities who are sensitive and interested in people’s problems. Beyond the personalities, the environment is very heterogeneous and the motivations are different: this also makes the study of psychology an enriching experience.

Perhaps the faculty of psychology will not be a path that develops discussion or reflection in a targeted way, but outside the classroom there will always be a way to reflect and discuss your discipline, how it should be applied and much more.

In short, studying psychology allows us to discover many realities that we have before our eyes but that we ignore. It allows you to apply the knowledge acquired immediately. But above all it gives the opportunity to improve people’s quality of life, to make them happier. And this makes the profession of the psychologist the most beautiful that exists.

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