Even If They Disappoint You, Don’t Stop Doing Good

Even if they disappoint you, don't stop doing good

They say that doing good means forgetting about yourself and giving everything for others. But this is not true at all. Acting in the right way, with integrity and at the same time promoting the well-being of those around us does not at all mean “abandoning yourself”.

Those who are always concerned about the common good act by following a voice within themselves, that of their values. Not to do so would mean going against its very essence, and that would mean inflicting serious damage on our opinion of ourselves and on our identity.

In some ways, this idea reminds us of the one that Saint-Exupéry left us in the Little Prince : “ It is madness to hate all roses, because a thorn has stung you ”.

And so, even if someone has disappointed us, we must not hate the rest of the world and, above all, we must not change our philosophy of life, because we have had several, or even too many, disappointments. You may decide to wear the armor of prudence or the cloak of caution, but never give in to resentment and hatred. It’s not worth it.

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Even if they have disappointed me, I will not tire of doing good

All of you will have been disappointed, more than once. There are disappointments that hurt more than others, and even some that have forced us to lose that innocence with which we came into the world.

In life we ​​invest time, emotions, dreams and hopes to achieve certain goals. Sometimes it’s just about aspirations, other times we invest our energies by focusing on people who, sooner or later, could disappoint us.

When we long for something very badly and lose it, disappointment and emptiness appear. We not only lose that relationship, that dream, but a part of ourselves goes with them as well.

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The greatest danger of disappointments is falling into the sense of helplessness. There is something that did not meet our expectations, that did not go as we hoped… And this hurts us, so badly that we may feel that no matter what our efforts, things will always go wrong.

Very often personal failures and, above all, disappointments generate negative feelings in us such as anger, anger, resentment or frustration.

All these negative emotions, if they recur continuously over time, can change our outlook on life, on people, and even make us question whether there are really good people in this world.

We should never get to this point, we shouldn’t allow our values ​​to collapse. Because when we lose these points of reference, our world crumbles. And if we lose our ability to do good because we think it’s not worth it, we will stop being ourselves. We will stop recognizing ourselves when we look in the mirror.

How to overcome a disappointment to continue to have faith in ourselves and in those around us

We must learn to accept everything that life puts in front of us, whether it is good or bad. Accept it and move forward as lightly as possible. If you hold a grudge, you will walk slowly; if you accumulate anger, you will seek revenge; if you hide hatred, you will be stuck and forever lose the ability to do good, to generate happiness .

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We know that it is not always easy to face disappointment, but if there is one thing you must not allow it is that the wrong behavior of others has such a great influence on you that it changes you,  that you believe that there are no good women. people or, even worse, that it’s always good people who get hurt.

Take note of these ways to protect yourself every day, as far as possible, from disappointment:

  • Try to live “here and today”, focus on the present without having too many expectations about what should or will happen. Let yourself go.
  • Accept that disappointments are part of life, and that we can learn from them too. Do not allow them to change you and transform you into the person you are NOT.
  • Be aware that you cannot control the behavior of others, whether it is good or bad. You know who you are and what you want, you know that doing good is part of your roots, of your vital essence.
  • Believe in others until proven otherwise. Allow yourself to be confident, because you are experienced and have a noble heart, you deserve the best in people. If you approach them with distrust because of past grudges, you will certainly find yourself facing the wall of rejection.
  • Treat disappointments as an opportunity for renewal – that experience is a clear example of what you don’t want to happen again. Never lose your ability to do good. It doesn’t matter how many more times they let you down, it doesn’t matter how many more times you fall.

Images courtesy of Pascal Campion and Holly Sierra

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