Emerging Professions In The Next 5 Years

The most sought-after professions in the short term exploit technology or, on the contrary, solve the problems caused by technological progress in individual and collective life.
Emerging professions in the next 5 years

The world is changing fast and what is worth today could become obsolete in a couple of months. This not only applies to fashion or other aspects of daily life, but also to very serious matters such as work. Especially in this field it is better to keep an open vision and be projected towards the future. So let’s see what the emerging professions will be in the coming years.

All mechanical or repetitive work will disappear in the short, medium and long term. In other words, all the activities in which man can be replaced by machines are destined to disappear. At the same time, emerging figures are closely linked to the satisfaction of new global needs and problems.

Many of the most in-demand short-term professions are related to technology. Along with them,  some traditional crafts will also remain important, because they provide an answer to new lifestyles and new needs. We talk about it below.

Man with cellphone and laptop.

7 emerging professions in the coming years

1. App developer

All activities are migrating to the virtual world, some more or less. The applications must be gradually simpler and safer, as well as adaptable and functional on the various devices.

App developers will have a lot of work in the coming years. A great open-mindedness is required for this work, which is constantly changing. Software engineers, IT engineers or specialized professionals work on application development.

2. Drone pilot among the emerging professions

Another emerging profession in the next 5 years is that of the drone pilot. It won’t be long before courier services will be delivered this way; in a few years even passenger transport could undergo a change in this sense.

Taxi drones and flycopters will soon appear and become commonplace. Anyone who specializes in this field may be in high demand in the short to medium term. This applies not only to pilots, but also to mechanics, navigation system experts, etc.

3. Agri-food engineers

Most likely in the next few years we will see a strong development of technology applied to food. The conditions of the planet, including climate change, the desertification of some geographical areas and the demographic increase are some of the factors that will bring the food issue to the center of world attention.

Agri-food engineers will be key in the coming years. These are professionals in the production and storage of food, aspects that must be increasingly taken into account in the production phase.

4. Social workers

Social services will be in high demand as technology threatens to raise the unemployment rate. If the system continues to function as we know it, the social divide and the concentration of assets will become more and more evident. 

This will make the work of social workers essential, with the aim of reducing and managing social tensions. They will most likely be present at every level of the state and increasingly in the private sector.

5. Physiotherapists

The physiotherapist is a traditional professional figure who is currently in demand and will continue to be so for a long time. One of the reasons for this is the aging of the population. Before long there will be a large percentage of older people around the world.

At the same time, jobs are increasingly sedentary and this is the cause of a series of muscular, bone and circulatory problems. The requests for specialist visits will increase, and the physiotherapist will be a professional figure very present in our daily life.

Physiotherapist and elderly patient.

6. Game designer

Video games are here to stay, that’s for sure. We have seen impressive development over the past few decades and this trend will persist for a long time. Working in entertainment and creating more and more realistic games is a long-term professional field.

Moreover, video games will most likely be exploited more and more in the world of education; in a few years they could be a tool for everyday use in schools. One of the emerging professions in the coming decades is therefore that of game designer.

7. Industrial engineer

Another profession with a long tradition behind it, but with a guaranteed future, is that of the industrial engineer. Technology and its applications guarantee new ways of producing, working and distributing. Industrial engineering is dedicated to this.

The automation of production requires specialized figures. Those who specialize in areas such as nanoscience or robotics, two fields destined to dominate our future, will have better chances.

Some emerging professions have not yet been born

Of course, there should be other professions on this list. And, undoubtedly, many of the jobs that will be required by new technologies have not yet been born. The important thing is to keep up with the changes in the working world and with the elements that will mark our future.

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