Don’t Let Anyone Tell You You Can’t Do It

Don't let anyone tell you you can't do it

One of the words that, perhaps, we hear the most from others is “no” when we present them with a project. “You can’t do it”, “you don’t have to go there”, “it won’t suit you”, “you shouldn’t try” … Faced with this situation, more common than we would like, the Spanish doctor and entrepreneur Pilar Jericó advises to “analyze fears and imagine the worst, from this, then, defend your dreams “.

For this reason, today, Pilar Jericó will be the protagonist of this article. A strong woman who is well known in Spain for her numerous collaborations and television appearances. In addition to having a PhD in Business Organization, he has a Masters in Economics and a BA in Leadership and Behavior from Harvard University.

To be exact, this woman, capable of starting businesses when nothing seems to go the right way, is the vivid reflection of the fight against the famous “you can’t do it”. This influencer, writer and lecturer has shown us the path to continue in the face of adversity thanks to her advice, her vicissitudes and giving us advice on how to act when the social turmoil increases.

Never let anyone tell you you can’t do it

For Jericó, fear is the biggest rival we have. Faced with a “you can’t do it”, many people become terrified and paralyzed. Finally, this painful emotion enters our being with force and we ourselves convince ourselves that, in fact, we cannot make it.

However,  fear is a necessary self-defense tool. In alarming situations, it allows us to stay alert to protect ourselves. Taken to the extreme, however, it causes paralysis and even terror, resulting in a serious alteration of our conduct.

For this reason, in the face of the famous “you can’t do it” that many will tell you, you must understand your fear, overcome it and act so that no one can restrain you. This process, however, requires certain knowledge that we offer you to follow, so that you can face your worst omens.

Two techniques to overcome fear

In this sense, Pilar Jericó offers us two very useful techniques to overcome fears. If you notice that everyone around you frightens you and tells you that you can’t do it, maybe you can put them into practice and decide if others are right or not.

Landing on reality

The first technique proposed by Jericó is called by the latter “landing on reality”. It consists of listening to what others are saying and making these comments your own. We need to be aware of these comments, and the fears we have, in order to be able to analyze them calmly and calmly.

To understand this well, it is better to give an example. In the case of Jericó, who decided to go to America to start her project while she was pregnant, everyone told her that it would be impossible and that everything would fall apart.

For this reason, the businesswoman exposes her personal cases. For example, they told her that by going to America for many months, she would lose customers. So, he analyzed his fears, thought about it well, talked to the others and managed to make himself understood by them. He was struggling to make his dream come true.

Imagine the worst and assess the risk

The second technique proposed by Pilar Jericó consists in imagining the worst of situations and assessing the implicit risk. To do this, we must think that everything can go wrong and know if, in fact, it is worth the effort and sacrifice.

Jericó, again exposing his personal experience, did the same. What was the worst thing that could have happened to her during her American adventure? Could his investment fail? Could it be that being so far away from her loved ones would make her feel too alone?

The point is that we must carefully and calmly analyze every risk we run. Once that’s done, we need to know if we’re really willing to face them. Therefore, if we decide that we are ready to accept them, we must continue despite the possible negative consequences.

For this reason, Pilar Jericó concludes with very interesting reflections. Life passes quickly, but the experiences we accumulate enrich us. So, if you really believe in something, analyze it and if you think it is achievable, why not do it? Perhaps it is better not to pay attention to “you can’t do it” and turn them into “I can do it and nobody will stop me”.

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