Curiosities About Psychologists

Curiosities about psychologists

Psychologists are often the subject of a thousand questions from their patients, and the problem is due to the fact that there are still many taboos and prejudices against this profession.

For this reason today we have decided to collect a series of questions, some serious and others very funny, which psychologists often have to answer in their studies. You can’t miss them!

It is known that any doctor is subjected to the “judgment” of his patients, who often believe they know more than the doctor himself. And psychologists are no exception. Here are the most frequently asked questions:

– What should I call him? Doctor? Gentleman? By name?

This is a frequently asked question at the first meeting. People don’t know how to go to the specialist in front of them and to talk to about their childhood, their fears or their relationship problems.

The situation can be embarrassing, since not all psychologists are “doctors” (in the sense of having achieved a university doctorate). Usually, calling oneself by name is a common practice.

– Are psychologist and psychoanalyst the same thing?

Sometimes, to feel less “strange”, when we talk among friends or family we say that we are going to the therapist or analyst instead of the psychologist. Still, there are major differences between these professions.

The psychologist is a graduate in psychology, while the psychoanalyst specializes in psychoanalysis, a different discipline. For example, the most famous psychoanalyst in history, Sigmund Freud, had not studied psychology, but neurology.

– Why can’t I lie on the bed like in the movies?

It is not very common for psychologists to have that sofa that you see so often in TV series or movies, in which to lie down comfortably. This is an image that many have in mind and that may surprise you the first time you go to the psychologist … Someone even complained about it because they couldn’t lie down!

– Do I have to do what the psychologist tells me?

In reality, the psychologist usually does not tell you what “you must” do, but shows you a way to help you find the solution to a problem. He may have given you some advice, but that doesn’t mean you should follow it word for word. Everyone is free to act as they see fit.

– Can the psychologist hypnotize me?

No, unless you want to and go to a specialist in this area. Some psychologists specialize in clinical hypnosis, but don’t worry, he won’t use his pendulum to make you imitate a chicken or have your secrets told. If you want to be hypnotized, it is good to ask to be informed first and to prepare yourself in the right way.

– Can I lie to my psychologist?

If you are able to do it, sure. But the truth is, it won’t do much good. A bit like when you cheat in an exam: you lose, not him!

Going to the psychologist implies a “pact of honesty” on the part of both. It is assumed that the patient wants to solve one or more problems, and the psychologist’s job is to understand where they come from and help you solve them. Lying during therapy will therefore only slow down the treatment.

– Why doesn’t the psychologist tell me about his private life?

In some cases the psychologist can tell you something personal, but it is not very common. It all depends on how rigorous he is, not least because his goal is to focus on the patient’s problems, not his own. Furthermore, psychologists also sometimes undergo therapy … but with other psychologists. Don’t feel weird if you only talk about you during your date, that’s the point!

– Can I become a friend (or lover) of my psychologist?

This is a fantasy of many people who go to the psychologist. However, one of the therapist’s duties and obligations is precisely to avoid any other type of relationship (commercial, friendship or love) with his patients. This does not mean that you cannot have a good understanding: it is precisely the latter that you need for excellent therapy!

– And finally, do psychologists also have problems?

Of course yes! They are not robots, but people of flesh and blood like you.

Some believe that psychologists are “extraterrestrials”, but this has not happened yet: they continue to be mere humans. This is why they too go through dark times and problems, even if they try not to show it to their patients.

And you? What are the questions you ask yourself about psychologists and psychotherapy?

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