Being With Someone Does Not Mean Possessing, Possession Is Not Love

Being with someone does not mean possessing, possession is not love

Even today, there are many people who confuse the concept of possession with true love, mistakenly mistaken. Has possession ever made a relationship work? Why do problems arise with it?

Today we will discover what are the big differences between owning and being with someone and we will talk about the relationship between possession and love.

Being with someone does not mean possessing

At first we may think that being with someone and owning them are related to each other; in fact, there is a real gulf between these two concepts. Being with someone absolutely does not imply possession, you must always remember that.

Being with someone means that we can count on that special person who is close to us, without her feeling obliged to be close to us. We love and desire that person, but, at the same time, we know that they are free. She offers us her company, she loves us, she shares her life with us and she does it completely spontaneously.

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There are people who, by the mere fact of feeling desired, believe that they automatically possess the individuals who love them. They do not realize that these are not objects and that they have no obligation to be close to them forever: they are free!

Possession often  implies insecurity, because, as we have said, people are not objects. People come and go, in and out of our life. Even if at certain times we can count on them, we cannot hold them back, because we do not possess them. Possession is not love, possession is insecurity, fear, a desire to grasp what cannot be stopped.

Confusing love with possession

How do you know if love is being confused with possession? The greatest manifestation of possession is jealousy. When a person is overly jealous, it means that they want to possess their partner. Maybe he has a wrong conception of love or maybe he doesn’t know that behind his behavior lies an unjustified fear.

If we go even deeper into the subject, we find ourselves faced with much more complex situations, such as the physical and psychological abuse present in so many relationships. Maltreatment is another form of possession, of territorial demarcation, of displaying power.

This is why confusing love with possession is not only silly but also leads to unpleasant situations that destroy relationships and especially people. But why do we go to these extremes? Why do we want to possess others at all costs?

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Maybe it’s because of the many love stories we’ve seen, which continue to promise us a happy ending. And also for that “happily ever after”, which is the simple, embellished and perfect description of true possession.

Free love, perfect love

How many times have you started a relationship and feared it would end much sooner than you imagined? Isn’t it true that the promises of eternal love and the idea of ​​growing old together invade your minds? You prepare yourself to suffer without realizing it.

You are not able to have a partner without developing the need to possess him, to have him only for you, to control the relationship he has with other people and to fear his possible estrangement. And what’s your reaction? Anger, jealousy and the struggle for possession.

You need to open your minds and stop living in an outdated possessive love relationship model. You have a person next to you who shares his life with you, but you don’t possess him because he is free.

“He asked her for proof of his love. She set him free ”.

(Livia Hernández)

Believing you can’t live without your partner is a lie that we continually formulate in our minds. How many times have you thought of this during a relationship that ended? Perhaps you are dramatizing the reality of relationships, while you should be more realistic.

We know you like to believe in  happy ending and romantic movies that show only a tiny fraction of what’s actually going on.

How do you view relationships? Is it difficult for you to love without wanting to possess? You just have to think about it and start changing your perspective. Love should be happiness and freedom, not suffering and possession.

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