Aggressive Competitive Profile: What Is It Hiding?

Competitive aggressors do not hesitate to dominate, manipulate, and even appropriate other people’s achievements. Theirs is a highly negative profile and the environment in which they move is characterized by stress and anxiety.
Competitive aggressive profile: what is it hiding?

Everyone, in one way or another, is forced to be competitive in life. This tendency becomes particularly harmful and problematic in people with an aggressive competitive profile. They are driven by the uncontrolled desire to emerge, even if to achieve their goals it is necessary to trample rights, manipulate or create a work environment that is heavy and risky for psychological health.

Certainly you will have come to mind more than one face, more than a situation experienced in the first person. The aggressive competitive profile can be found in all contexts : in the office, at school, at the university, even in the family or in a group of friends. It is not difficult to find someone with an innate need to excel, impress others, take home all the medals.

Although competitiveness is a trait of the human personality, in some people it is particularly emerging. Anyone could be called upon to compete. We show determination when we play sports, when we show up for a job interview or when we want to impress someone we like.

In some decisive moments we need to be “the best”. But it is the way in which we reach the goal, the strategies we implement that speak about us, especially our psychological profile. Let’s find out more.

Office manager with an aggressive competitive profile.

What is behind the aggressive competitive profile?

Anyone who has to live with a competitive aggressive person must be ready to deal with anxiety.  The best attitude to take in these cases is not to lose your temper and not to fall into his trap.

This essentially means that it is not worth getting involved in a dynamic of extreme competition; anxiety will intensify. But what is behind this personality?

Lack of self-esteem

Lack of self-esteem manifests itself in various ways that often lead to deleterious conduct. People who use competition to the extreme need to always be in sight, to savor the power. To this end, they do not hesitate to disrespect others in order to achieve the goal and strengthen their image.

On the other hand, they live in a continuous state of hypervigilance. They constantly compare themselves to others and if they perceive that someone stands out, they must strive to be better and gain advantage.

“Black or white” thinking pattern

Behind this behavior sometimes hides a rigid and inflexible mentality whereby life translates into losing or winning, having or not having, with me or against me.

A study conducted by the University of Rochester, New York, warns us that the aggressive competitive profile does not take into high consideration factors such as sociability, empathy, the sense of cooperation, etc.

Narcissism or psychopathic personality and competitive aggressive profile

Aggressively competitive people can sometimes display a psychopathic personality. The fact of focusing only on one’s own advantage, of not hesitating to resort to lying, manipulation, abuse or intimidation can very well delineate this psychological disorder. It should be noted, however, that this is not a common situation.

Very often we are simply faced with a narcissistic personality seeking visibility, confirmation and admiration. To achieve this, he does not hesitate to trample on the rights of others. 

How can we defend ourselves from aggressively competitive people?

The effect this profile creates in a work environment does not go unnoticed. The climate deteriorates, the need to compete increases, we are affected by stress and a progressive wear that undermines the psychological balance. To protect ourselves, these points are worth reflecting on:

  • Have you chosen to compete? Don’t do more than you can bear. A highly competitive person pushes those close to them to compete. If you choose this route, set a limit. There is always a boundary that protects our physical and mental health. If the competitor is determined and chooses to work overtime, consider whether this lifestyle is right for you.
  • Protect your work. Another aspect to take into consideration is the improprieties that a competitive aggressive person does not hesitate to implement. Make sure that this person does not steal your, passwords, emails, that you do not use manipulation techniques to turn other people against you.
  • Gather the evidence and notify the boss. As we have just said, this type of personality does not hesitate to resort to incorrect if not illicit gestures. This can put the whole company in a bad light. In this case, it is important to collect evidence and inform superiors.
Worried man with hands on his face.

It is clear that these situations are generally complex. It is not easy to deal with these people, but in any case we must always safeguard our integrity.

Competition, in any field, helps us to grow as long as it is respectful and does not provoke dynamics veiled by aggression, humiliation or boycott.

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