Age Shrivels The Skin, Not Enthusiasm

Age shrivels the skin, not enthusiasm

One of the main signs that indicate aging is physical appearance: the way you dress, hairstyles, wrinkles … however, sometimes we are surprised to meet someone whose vitality and enthusiasm does not correspond to the his age.

Some people possess great energy and enthusiasm that exceeds any initial expectations  and demonstrates a tremendous will to live, which perhaps younger people do not possess.

Age is measured in enthusiasm

Nobody escapes the signs of aging, especially those on the skin: the body resists less and less, fatigue gradually increases, etc. Often time passes without realizing it and, when we finally wake up, perhaps we realize that we have not done everything we had planned over the years.


Suddenly we go from 15 to 23 years, and in the same way from 30 to 40 or 50… For this reason, it is always the right time to carry out the projects that we have left unfinished  or to visit the places we have not yet seen. It is never late: as long as we feel like it, we can do it.

If you believe that, just because you are 40 years old and a few wrinkles on your face are no longer worth getting excited about, you are wrong. You have taken the necessary steps to compose your life and you have guided your loved ones along the path to undertake theirs: now it is up to you to continue to be young in spirit, despite the years. 

Age: a question of perspective

Age, in addition to being a physical question, is also a question of perspective: it  is important not to focus on the weakness that gradually characterizes us, but on the energies that we still possess.

Wrinkles may reveal our physical age, but mental age allows us to continue enjoying the opportunities within our reach. In fact, isn’t it true that we never stop learning? A person does not age until, day after day, he learns something: from his children, from his grandchildren, from his friends or from what he feels.

Instead of regretting what has already been experienced, it is much better to understand how to apply these experiences to new ones  that will arrive. After all, wrinkles are two sides of the same coin: we get old on the surface, but we have lived longer to be free from complexes.


Every day is new, live it with enthusiasm

Each day that begins is like a piece of paper with little information, ready to be written.  A white that can reflect, whatever our age, always new and exciting emotions. Projects that will allow you to give value to new memories, the ones that will become the best stick to lean on when your legs start shaking and when we want to help those who, as they say, are just born.

Not losing this momentum is often an inspiration also for the people around us: our children or grandchildren feel strongly influenced by what we think. We try to show that age can be a pure question of attitude.  

Without forgetting that we have grown up and that there are aspects of human nature that we cannot overlook, a positive and energetic attitude motivates us and allows us to overcome adversity. Even if many things hurt us and even if wrinkles mark our vital experiences, enthusiasm preserves us, makes us eternally young.  

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