A Truly Dangerous Poison: Low Self-esteem

A truly dangerous poison: low self-esteem

The combination of low self-esteem and negative feelings, such as those resulting from anxiety, depression, and stress, can be fatal and possibly increase mental and physical problems.

Sometimes we believe that negative thoughts and low self-esteem are just a passing mood that leaves no deep traces in our lives unless they remain for a considerable period of time.

This is a very serious mistake, as the emotions that accompany these moods have been shown to sabotage the immune system, leaving the body defenseless in the face of constant external attacks. On the other hand, it is good to remember that these two conditions make us more likely to suffer from heart problems.

It is usually forgotten that what happens in the mind also has an impact on the body. In recent decades, various studies have been conducted to try to analyze the existence of this relationship and the results have been very interesting.

A study carried out by the University College of London found that people who live life with optimism and who have high self-esteem also have better biological functions.  These people also have a more realistic and happy conception of their lives and themselves.

Know when it’s time to ask for help

It is very important to pay attention to the symptoms of low self-esteem and to seek professional help when:

– You feel you are not doing things correctly

– Don’t trust your instincts

– Your inner voice constantly reminds you that you are unable to do things despite knowing that you are not

– You do not care in one way or another because you believe that it is not worth it or that it does not deserve so much effort

Self-esteem is a mirror of the image we have of ourselves : the way we see ourselves has a lot to do with how others see ourselves. So for example when you try to hide your flaws, but at the same time pay close attention inside yourself, what happens is that they are shown even more in front of others and are exposed like a business card without wanting to. On the other hand, this also means that we strive to find only what we believe we deserve. Healthy self-esteem is characterized by love and respect for ourselves, the belief that we deserve the love, happiness and trust to work to get the things we want.

Benefits of self-esteem for health

– Irony and laughter help to have a healthier and stronger immune system.

– People with heart disease and low self-esteem are less likely to get sick and spend long periods in hospital.

– Staying optimistic and having expectations for the future reduces the chances of suffering a heart attack by up to 50% and facilitates recovery after surgery.

– Self-esteem allows you to enjoy better quality sleep and greater creativity.

Increase your self-esteem

Now that you are aware of the effects of self-esteem on health, it is time to improve it. Remember that it is about improving your self-image and you can do it in several ways: by writing a list of your qualities and goals achieved, by taking responsibility for new challenges, by putting aside excessive self-criticism and by changing negative habits. .

Although the process of increasing self-esteem can involve many challenges, the result is always worth it.

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