Why Is It Important To Laugh In Bad Times?

Why is it important to laugh in bad times?

There is no reason to be serious in bad times. Even in the darkest and most difficult situations, you can find something that makes you laugh.

Never miss the opportunity to escape from the situation, even for just a few minutes.

“A good laugh annihilates more difficulties and pushes away more clouds than anything else.”

(Laura Ingalls Wilder)

Laughter and humor keep you emotionally healthy

Laughing makes you feel good. And the best part is that, after laughing, the effect lasts for several hours.

If you start the day with a smile, you will end it with optimism and joy, despite bad times, sorrows or any other negative situation.

“Never forget to smile, because a day without a smile is a wasted day.”

(Charles Chaplin)

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Laughter not only fights sadness, it also gives you the courage to make decisions and take action. Laughing is contagious, so you can help others get through their tough times.

Add laughter and humor to your life

It is normal that, as you grow up, you become serious people, who think about work or daily commitments. There is nothing wrong with that, unless you only see it from a negative point of view.

If you’ve come this far, it’s time to learn to laugh and enjoy life. Don’t know how to do it? Simply follow the steps listed in this article.

“When you learn to laugh at your problems, they will stop torturing you”


  • A small smile is the beginning of a loud laugh and is equally contagious. Laughter therapy specialists recommend starting each day with a smile. To do this, you can use a simple joke or a beautiful image.
  • Count the things that make you happy. Count them literally: on a piece of paper, make a list with all the good things in your life. Think about why they are on that list and you will see that you have hundreds of reasons to smile. When you find yourself in a difficult time, go over that list and smile.
  • Join those who know how to laugh. Is anyone laughing? Laughter is contagious, so join that person. Unless you are making fun of another individual or situation in negative terms, there is no reason not to share the cheer.
  • Socialize with people who laugh. There is no better way to find opportunities to laugh than to surround yourself with laughing people. If, at this moment, laughing is not easy for you, you urgently need to find someone who does it spontaneously.
  • Laugh at yourself. This is essential for having a happier life. If you take yourself too seriously, you risk becoming gloomy for too long.

“I love people who make me laugh. I think laughing is what I like the most. It is the cure for many ailments. It’s probably the most important thing in a person. “

(Audrey Hepburn)

Face life with a smile

Life continually subjects you to new challenges. Sometimes you will not know how to deal with them, other times you will believe that you will not be able to.

Have you ever thought that you give more or less importance to problems?

If you begin to think that your dilemmas are too complicated to solve, you have lost from the start. To get through the bad times, you have to turn them into games, or opportunities to get out of them creatively.

Not laughing at anything is foolish, laughing at everything is foolish.”

(Groucho Marx)

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This way, you can more easily incorporate laughter and humor into your life. The result will be surprising creativity and a more relaxed life.

Many people sigh that they would like to be children again and forget about problems. Well, no one can go back in time, but you can change your attitude. If you notice, you will realize that children always play and laugh.

Follow our advice and change your perspective. There is nothing so bad that you can’t find a reason to laugh and move on.

“It is forbidden not to smile at problems, not to fight for what you believe, to abandon everything out of fear, not to turn your dreams into reality.”

(Pablo Neruda)

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