Your Body Is Magical, Check It With The View

Your body is magical, verify it with visualization

We live in such a hurry that we end up forgetting about ourselves. The frenetic pace of life, together with the little knowledge of our body, prevents us from releasing the emotions we feel in the moment. Prolonging our emotional states over time makes us conflict with the reality of the present. For this reason,  visualization is a new technique used to control the malaise we experience in our daily life.

Recent studies have shown that  mental visualization of ourselves while doing an activity can appear to the brain as the actual practice of this activity. This is because the mental practice of a situation activates the same brain structures as physical practice.

Mental visualization to achieve goals

Visualization is a technique used by people who are successful in all areas of life. If you really want to achieve something, you have to work your imagination; it sounds like magic, but it’s science. To get an idea of ​​the importance of this practice, we can tell you that it is used by formula one pilots and gymnasts in their training plan. The most interesting thing about this method is that to practice it we will only need a good dose of imagination and concentration. 


To visualize a situation, you must preferably be in a quiet place, with little light and where you can concentrate on what you want to visualize. Closing our eyes, we can imagine a landscape or a house in which to be comfortable. The more details you are able to visualize, the more the brain will be convinced that what is happening is real  and, therefore, it will be more able to release our tensions and our body.

Mental visualization is like any other practice: to get results, you will have to repeat it, preferably often,  for the brain to memorize our actions.

How to practice visualization?

In this age where everything moves very fast and at the same time, we too have to move at the same pace and we tend to block our energy from stress. This causes blockages in our body that can manifest themselves in the form of physical or psychological diseases, such as tiredness, fatigue, loneliness, depression, anxiety and lack of vitality.

Steps to make a correct display:

  • View the activity. Think that what you see is what you will get and you must be willing to be guided by creativity and mental synthesis. Close your eyes and imagine it.
  • Visualize the desired result. Anyone who wants to change from day to night will just be disappointed. Even if you have made a fortune, you will still be dissatisfied within six months if you don’t delve into what you really want to achieve.
  • Think about your mindset. Nothing will improve if you feel bad about yourself and the opportunities that life offers you. A positive mindset will turn an unlucky time into a time of hope. It will turn the glass half empty into a glass half full; a rainy day will become a day of sunshine that can be glimpsed through the clouds.
  • Translate your imagination to the real world. After spending moments, days, months, or even years visualizing the possibilities, the time for change comes. Right in the moment before completing the real activity thanks to which you will get results or even the result that will lead you to the goal, focus clearly on the image of the action you are about to take.

Visualization works only when we are calm, calm and willing to trace in our mind – free from the worries of the immediate – the things we want to achieve. Without letting ourselves be overwhelmed by haste, we must actively think about the possibilities, leaving out everything that does not have to do with our goals. For this reason,  whatever it is, actively imagine, relax and your body – which is magical – will receive the strength it needs to get going.

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