Don’t Wait For People Who Don’t Want To Be Expected

Don't wait for people who don't want to be expected

You cannot waste your energy waiting for someone who does not want to come towards you. Especially since your hopes and well-being are at stake, that is, your outlook on life.

Hanging from the lips of someone who ignores you or doesn’t appreciate you is very harmful and reduces your emotional abilities, disorienting your world and making your life precarious and dependent on another person.

In this sense, it is said that the only way to avoid this type of problem is to cling to a goal, and not to people or objects. The secret of flight lies within you.

However, since we have been educated in a certain way, it is very difficult for us to free ourselves from the expectations we have towards the world. Even knowing that waiting people are easily disappointed, we can’t help thinking that the same thing won’t happen to us.

This inner work is not as simple as they say. First, we must be willing to eliminate all the false beliefs that contaminate our mind, and then we must practice a certain path. Now let’s see in more detail what this process implies.

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Don’t wait: break free and fly away

“You live on expectations, but you don’t even know what you are waiting for” (Julio Cortazar)

Sometimes, expectations of others overwhelm us and block us. However, it is difficult to eliminate them and they are also necessary to live and organize ourselves.

Waiting can help us relate to others in a more relaxed way and save us time and effort; to stop waiting, on the other hand, implies action on our part.

Not having to make your life dependent on someone else’s decisions doesn’t mean you should stop considering everyone else as well. In other words, freeing yourself does not mean being selfish and thinking only of yourself.

Avoid excesses

Today I leave you free. Today I forget about my fears. Today I begin to like myself. Today I go on. Today I stop expecting you.

Once we are free, we begin the journey of honesty and responsibility towards ourselves. What seems difficult at first will offer us tranquility and peace over time.

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That is the moment when you realize that you are directing your life and that you have the exclusive right to be the author. The person you are waiting for does not have to be present in your life to be happy. Not even temporarily.

As we have already said, it is not good that your well-being and personal satisfaction depend on what others give you, because they will never be able to cover all your needs.

It is equally important to accept that everything in life changes, this is the reality. In this world, nothing is eternal, least of all relationships, our needs and the people around us.

Another ballast that keeps us immobile in the face of reality is the fear of emotional and sentimental failure. This fear rises like a huge mountain that no one dares to cross. To overcome it, one must abandon old beliefs, know how to forgive and not self-punish without reason. If you can, you can focus on what really matters, which is the present moment.

One way or another, you have to accept that losses will always be present in your life. The permanence of feelings and people is nothing more than an idyllic and not real idea.

Remember that loving yourself is essential to be happy: it is the only love that will remind you that your emotions and your projects were not born because someone submits you, but to help you grow.

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