6 Ways To Start The Day Right

6 ways to start the day right

How we start the morning sets the course of our day. If you are stressed in the morning and don’t act in time, it is very likely that you will remain in this state all day. Conversely, if you find a way to be focused from the early hours, it will be easier to manage your daily stress and enjoy the rest of the day.

However, getting off to a good start isn’t always easy, especially if you wake up in a hurry or after a few hours of sleep. However, even if you have not slept enough, it is possible to start the morning in a positive way to face the day with vitality, emotion and motivation.

If you want to start the day well, you will need to change some habits. It is not always easy, especially in cases where you have to wake up earlier. However,  getting up early is necessary to give your morning the boost it needs to make the day better.

Schedule your alarm in advance

Waking up a little earlier, you can get up more calmly, without tension and without haste. You can listen to the radio quietly while you are still in bed, stretch out little by little and get ready to start the day. Waking up earlier will not only allow you to enjoy a few extra minutes in bed, but will also give you the opportunity to have a more relaxed routine to start the day.


Start the day in the shower

The morning shower is not just a way to wake up. The time you spend under the water is a relaxing and energizing time. For this reason, before starting to soap yourself, relax for a minute under the hot water jet and let it flow onto your shoulders, massaging it.

Warm water will relax your muscles and mind. That minute will also allow you to think about the possibilities ahead and feel grateful for the new day. When the stress sets in later in the day, you can evoke those feelings to relax and regain control over your emotions.

Read something that inspires you

Whether it’s a motivating quote or a self-help snippet, morning reading will help you find new focus and motivation. Reading in the morning will inspire you throughout the day and will allow you to have a positive dialogue with yourself, thus avoiding all negative thoughts.


Give a hug

Hugs generate a hormonal explosion that helps us feel good and overcome fears. For this reason, starting the morning with a hug is a wonderful way to start the day.

Hug therapists claim that  when we exchange hugs, we not only emit oxytocin, but also serotonin and dopamine, which generate pleasant feelings of well-being, harmony and wholeness.

Have a complete and balanced breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal because what we eat as the day begins helps us balance our blood sugar levels and gives us the energy to manage physical and mental stress. Without a good breakfast, you are more vulnerable, both physically and mentally.

The problem is that many use the excuse of not having time for breakfast or not being hungry in the morning. This happens when you wake up late and, therefore, are in a hurry and are stressed. However, if you use the advice already listed, especially that of getting up earlier, you will be able to have a healthy breakfast.


However, it is not worth having breakfast with anything. Breakfast must contain all the nutrients necessary for the body, i.e.  carbohydrates – especially complex ones, avoiding abusing simple sugars – proteins, vitamins, minerals and unsaturated fats (avoiding saturated ones).

Get moving

Moderate exercise will wake up your metabolism and give you the necessary energy for both body and mind. For example, you could go for a walk or do some yoga.

Be that as it may, exercising in the morning will motivate you not to lose sight of the fact that health comes first, which will help you feel better about yourself and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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