Time Does Not Erase Feelings, It Finds A Place For Them

Time does not erase feelings, it finds a place for them

Time will not resolve your inner conflicts, it will not erase the feelings that languish in you, nor will it eliminate what has already passed. Maybe it’s a harsh statement, but a real one: time just puts everything in its place, making you aware of your direction.

Remembering Miguel de Cervantes, who said that time can give many sweet solutions to loving truths, we can only think of time as an engine of change. The adversities of life push us towards the drift, but the passing of days gives us the hope of harmony of the senses.

Time is relative and uniform, it adapts to the psychology of those who think it. Because of this, it can’t erase what hurts, but it does give us the space we need to continue. Sometimes a few months are enough, sometimes whole years.

You are the protagonists of your story

The Argentine writer and poet Borges more than once stated that time is perhaps the greatest anthology in the world, since it shapes our life according to the feelings that explode within us at every moment, forming us as people: it composes the work that is our life and of which we are the main protagonists.


The margins of time that we give ourselves to be able to overcome a negative moment have the same effectiveness as a close friend or anyone who is willing to support us: they are supports for which to be extremely grateful, but which cannot take our place.  

If you feel the need to cheer yourself up, it’s time to take the reins of your life and start making decisions. If, on the other hand, you have already been through it and events have returned to their place, you have probably realized the enormous effort that involved. An individual effort that was, however, accompanied by the support of the people around you and of time, the enormous canvas on which your experiences have been molding, allowing you to reach positive goals.

Everything in its place, a place for everything

With time and courage, all the feelings that have brought pain in the past or in the present are not erased; they are like tattoos with which you will live forever, but which you must know how to place in the right place. Each event will find its space in your heart and in your memory, however changing its appearance: no matter how painful it was, its presence no longer paralyzes you. It has become a source of learning.

It is at that point that you will understand that all suffering has always had its designated place in you. The days will pass, but you will never forget: the chills, good or bad, are never forgotten. But know that the pain will change when you manage to forgive or, sometimes, to forgive yourself: this is another life lesson in which you are the heroes, not the time.

Time will teach you to see and appreciate

If there is one thing that time can really teach us it is to open our eyes, to remove the bandages that prevent us from seeing and appreciating the present. Life goes beyond what we think, there are many relationships to cultivate and care for, there are more and more people and projects that require something from us.


Projects are useless if we don’t move to make them happen. We will not be able to feel better if we do not raise the lever that activates our inner strength: time can help, but if we let it do everything by itself, it will escape.

Time, after all, will teach us to look with the eyes of today and not those of yesterday nor those of tomorrow: whoever wanted to leave is no longer there; whoever has gone away unwittingly is no longer there; whoever remained, wants us by his side. Until we learn this simple concept, time will elude us without looking back.

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