Cat Therapy: Benefits Of Living With A Cat

Cat therapy: benefits of living with a cat

Cats are wonderful animals. They love  independence, but also pampering; sometimes they seem to hate the world, but others are extremely sweet.  Their ambivalent and confused behavior is very similar to that of a human being. Perhaps this is precisely why techniques such as cat therapy have begun to gain more strength and prominence in emotional health.

For some years now, hippotherapy has shown its incredible results with children with autism, self-esteem problems or cerebral palsy. Although there is no scientific basis that accredits it, it can be said that it is an excellent  complementary therapy capable of improving the motor and emotional skills of patients .

Likewise, cat therapy has shown that the company of a cat promotes physical and psychological improvement. While it seems impossible, felines bring far more benefits than most people think.

What is cat therapy?

Cat therapy is a treatment for anxiety, stress and depression.  It improves the quality of life and creates a very special connection between the feline and its owner. Based on several studies, people suffering from heart disease show progressive improvement following cohabitation with a cat.

It is curious enough that the same research conducted with dogs leads to completely different results. Dog owners, unlike cat owners, keep their parameters constant. This means that those who own cats run a lower risk of dying from a heart attack than those who do not .

Elderly lady with cat

Felines are highly recommended animals for people who live alone, especially for the elderly. An individual suffering from dementia, such as Alzheimer’s, may even relive some memories by petting a cat,  thus delaying the neuronal degeneration he suffers from.  The purr of this animal, in turn, stimulates some fundamental nerve endings to evoke past stories or events.

A brief history of cats

For hundreds of years, cats have been treated like hell. It was believed that they were faithful companions of witches, bringers of misfortune and messengers of the devil. Their indomitable and unpredictable character was feared as much by the simpletons as by the most powerful .

On the contrary, in some civilizations they have always been considered sacred. In ancient Egypt they were revered as protectors of the most important divinity  : Ra.  He was born and died with the rising and setting of the sun and it was during the night that he became an easy prey for his enemies. The eyes of the felines, associated with the lion, however, reflected the rays of the sun after sunset.

Legends aside, the appearance of the cat as a pet was also quite fluctuating. Unlike dogs, used as sheep keepers or hunters, cats remained wild at first

According to recent studies, it is believed that it was the felines themselves who chose to approach humans by seeing that they were feeding them. Their docile appearance meant that they were fed by ranchers and farmers who,  in the end, accepted them thanks to their great commitment as rodent hunters

It will not be for several centuries to follow, however, that cats will be accepted as pets. Up until the 19th century, it was considered unusual and frowned upon having pets, as keeping them was a waste of money.

5 benefits of cat therapy

Improve symptoms of depression and stress

Felines promote a notable improvement in people suffering from stress, anxiety and depression. The purr is very relaxing, stimulates concentration and creates a very welcoming environment .

Woman with white cat

They keep company

For a person living alone, the cat is the best option. He is very independent but, at the same time, very affectionate. Sometimes it will be so sticky that you will want it to go to another house!

Cats are very funny and playful and can be great entertainment for their owners. Remember that you need to feed them properly and be careful about the vaccines they need to get.

The symptoms of Alzheimer’s, autism and ADHD improve

As we have already mentioned, cats are used as a complementary therapy in cases of autism, Alzheimer’s or ADHD. Although scientifically there is no research to confirm this, there are thousands of cases where their presence has improved the quality of life of the owners

It makes the little ones responsible

Having a cat in the house is a big responsibility for children because they will have to take care of it,  feed it and educate it, which is not always an easy task. It is important to talk to the little ones about the subject, so that they are aware of the very important task they have to carry out.

Let’s not forget to make it clear to them that  an animal is NOT a toy .  It must not be beaten, it must not be pushed to the ground and its tail must not be pulled. Living beings must be respected and loved, and our pet will be much happier if he is treated correctly.

They need little care

Unlike other animals, cats need very little care .  Aside from vaccines and food, they are very clean living beings. As soon as they learn to use the litter box, they always use it; they wash themselves and their puppies and do not need constant attention.

So, give them a bath every now and then, make sure the food is right for them and don’t forget to take them to your vet appointments. Remember that a healthy cat corresponds to a healthy human being. 

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