Robin Williams: 5 Sentences To Reflect

Robin Williams: 5 sentences to reflect

We know Robin Williams thanks to his role as an actor. Some of his most famous films are The Fugitive Moment , Will Hunting-rebel genius and Mrs Doubtfire , which still thrill the public today for the depth of their message. Today we want to share with you some phrases of Robin Williams that will give us not only food for thought, but also the opportunity to get to know him better.

Although Robin Williams apparently had a perfect life, on 11 August 2014 he was found dead in the house after he hanged himself. This fact left all his fans shocked, until Susan Schneider, his last wife, declared that the actor suffered from Parkinson’s disease and that the diagnosis had affected him to the point of probably leading to suicide. Below we see some quotes he left us.

Quotes by Robin Williams

1. Feeling alone even when you are among others

Robin Williams admits some sadness, but at the same time he leaves us a great truth. Who has never felt alone even though surrounded by so many people? Often experiencing this feeling can be a symptom of a great inner emptiness or that we are not in the company of the right people.

This feeling is common to many people with low self-esteem  and this can lead them to isolate themselves in an attempt to protect themselves. Well, as bad as loneliness can be, the worst part is being surrounded by people we can’t find a connection with. In these circumstances it might be helpful to ask ourselves if we have surrounded ourselves with people who can bring us added value or not.

Feeling alone among the people

2. Learn from your mistakes

Robin Williams’ second quote prompts us to step out of our comfort zone. Although we feel comfortable in it, the great things, what is most stimulating and that can make us grow, are outside. Within this comfort zone we face challenges, but they hardly really test our abilities.

Mistakes help us to improve, to know how far we can go and to improve certain aspects of our life. Let’s imagine if we were never wrong: we would hardly progress, we would be rather trapped in our situation.

3. Live intensely

Many people tend to think that living intensely or as if it were the last day of their life means collecting a list of insanities. However, the link between the two is not so automatic. To live intensely, we don’t have to take a trip or something out of the ordinary. We just have to enjoy the little things.

You can live to the fullest by starting to appreciate the time we spend with our loved ones, giving value to every moment and savoring it to the fullest. As well as giving the right value to money, to the roof over our heads or to that delicious lunch we have on the table. Being grateful and enjoying what we take for granted will help us live with greater intensity.

Happy woman

4. We are masters of ourselves

Robin Williams’ fourth quote leads us to reflect on the idea that no teacher is as good as ourselves. Because thanks to the mistakes we make and the decisions we make, we learn a series of lessons that no one else can ever teach us.

Even if at school we absorb a lot of information and learn many necessary skills, we end up learning “filtered” knowledge. As Robin Williams said, learning from oneself is worth much more than any magic or treasure in the world. And this is because we have something really valid in our hands, but whose value we often underestimate: ourselves.

5. Having too much and not knowing how to handle it

The last quote from Robin Williams tells us about one of the phases in which drugs and alcohol were the protagonists of his life. This phrase always has something ironic, a quality that characterized the actor, with an ironic nature on any subject.

While it may sound sad, resourceful people often use drugs in search of something to shake up their lives. Very often in these cases you have the feeling of not knowing how to spend your money in order to try something more, which actually makes them sink.

Robin Williams smiling

All these phrases by Robin Williams bring us closer to this actor who at 63 decided to take his own life. Some of these quotes make us think he might feel some kind of emptiness. Others bring us closer to some negative experiences that have marked him. Many of them, however, invite us to experiment and appreciate life in order to get closer to happiness, or rather to well-being and balance.

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