7 Things Our Dogs Can Teach Us

7 things our dogs can teach us

There are angels who don’t have wings. They have 4 legs, a hairy body, round nostrils, pointed ears and unconditional love. 

Living with a dog changes our life. Not only is it a great responsibility, but it is also an endless source of teaching and well-being. Sharing a part of your life with an animal will make you extremely happy and bring you countless benefits. Below we will talk about the 7 things a dog can teach us:

1- Love unconditionally

A dog can teach you the value of compromise and reciprocity. Thanks to a dog, you will learn the value of immense loyalty and unconditional love, the love of whatever happens. the love of “I always want you next to me because with you my life is infinitely better”.

2-Be patient and forgive 

Dogs help us not get angry every day. Life is not all roses and flowers and a dog knows this well; however, they are always able to forgive any bad deed or any high or arrogant tone and move on, because there are much stronger bonds that bind us forever.

They understand us and are pure and sincere, they do not know ulterior motives and are infinitely good.

3-Live intensely every moment 

Dogs have fun and enjoy a walk, a game or a food always as if it were the first time. They too have anxieties and worries, but that doesn’t make them unable to live intensely. It is the carpe diem of dogs.

Every day they explore and stay on the move. As for the walk, it’s the same where to go, they just care about being with you and enjoying the moment. Nothing makes you happier than a dog’s contentment when he has to go out for a walk.


 4-Worship chaos

 Their tidy mess is lovely.  In the midst of the chaos of toys and bones scattered around the different rooms of the house, they know where they have put what they want and what they want at all times.

There are no reasons to waste time organizing their things, or setting priorities: they are happy with the little or much they have and they know how to fully enjoy it. If you start collecting their toys, they will follow you around the house to make sure you have everything under control. And the most incredible thing is that they succeed. Wish we could organize our lives without always worrying about order. 

5-Enjoy the little pleasures of life 

Listening to a dog’s deep breath at night guarantees us indescribable peace. They lie down next to us and feel safe and loved. Just like us by their side. It’s so nice to listen to them, it’s a bit like listening to the sound of the sea waves or the chirping of birds. 

6- Communicate with your body

Maybe they don’t understand what we say to them, but, through our gestures or the position of our body towards them, they know what our emotional state is and if we want to tell them something. One becomes able to understand each other. Animals are true “emotion detectors”.

It is very common for people who have shared their life with a dog to have a feeling that they can really understand what we are saying to them. Well yes, that’s right … it is not known if it is for what we say or for how we say it, but the skills of communication and exchange with dogs are truly incredible. It is truly extraordinary what dogs can be able to convey to us. 

7- Feeling unique and irreplaceable 

A dog can teach you a lot of things, give you what you need and stay with you for life. But the most important thing an animal will teach you is to love yourself and realize that you are worthy of love.

Dogs make us better people and they continue to do so day in and day out. They teach us how much love we can receive and how intense this feeling is. The most important thing a dog can teach us is the value of saying “I love you” every day, and saying it without words.

Image courtesy of Annette Shaff and Christin Lola

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