Influencer And Main Features

Through communication on social networks, companies make propaganda. What’s more, a new figure has been born capable of reaching the masses: influencers.
Influencer and main features

With the arrival of new technologies, communication has multiplied its channels of diffusion. We are able to convey our thoughts in any way possible. If at first we did it only through text messages, today we are able to express our gestures through dozens of emoticons. An inimitable way of expressing what we feel when we can’t do it face to face. Influencers have been able to make the most of these new tools.

The new means of communication have unleashed new ways of attracting the attention of others. One of these is digital marketing: the use of advertising strategies for the potential consumer to buy the products that the company wants to sell. Through communication on social networks, companies make propaganda. What’s more, a new figure has been born capable of reaching the masses: influencers .

It is a figure used by agencies around the digital world to promote their products, but also to convey motivational and personal development messages, or simply to show life experiences.

Influencers are creative

Influencers are often creative people, original in some field. With their ingenuity they manage to attract our attention, thus accumulating thousands of followers who want to know everything they do. Through videos, photos and comments they intercept our interests, because they show us wonderful ideas by presenting them in an original way.

In many cases they become real powerful spokespersons of ideas and interests. They are careful what they say and how they say it. They know their audience expects them to express themselves in a certain way, the way that makes them so distinctive.

Social network

Influencers’ creativity is just as important as their intelligence in adapting to their current and potential audience. Finally, they try to generate continuous communication, so as to prevent the public from disconnecting from their business.

Trust, an indispensable feature of influencers

Many influencers benefit from the trust of their followers. Companies that hire them to promote their products are well aware of this aspect. They bet everything on the fact that followers follow the events and advice of influencers, albeit aware that the latter are motivated by commercial interests.

Regarding this aspect, influencers often claim to always recommend products that they like, so as not to lose credibility with their audience due to the contracts signed.

It is curious, but people tend to give more credibility to people who have been successful or who are considered interesting, while the opposite happens to reverse parties. Furthermore, the more followers of an influencer, the more the audience trusts their advice, even consumer advice. It is in fact very easy to think: “if many people follow him, obviously what he says is true”.


Influencers are assertive because they are aware of their rights and those of others. When they communicate to others, they do so by virtue of these principles (or at least project those principles onto the image they display). Assertiveness allows them to communicate what they want so effectively that they are able to convince the masses. A quality that helps them and that they cultivate, because it allows them to:

  • Feeling in a position of power.
  • Increase their feeling of well-being.
  • Improve the effectiveness of communication.
  • Have more control over the use of social channels.
  • Improve relationships with their followers.

Assertiveness, that apparent freedom and strength in the face of possible conditioning, is one of the qualities that most distinguishes an influencer. Let’s think about it: who would follow someone who only says what others tell them to say? Independence from the criterion and from the opinion expressed through assertiveness is one of the qualities that an influencer attributes to himself.


The image that influencers project is loaded with responsibility. A responsibility to be associated with commitment and identification with the message. Followers usually think that the influencer is fully aware of everything he says because he would never harm someone for no reason.

On the other hand, responsibility is a characteristic of influencers not only as an element of their image, but also as a form of organization and compromise. In them a feeling of gratitude often grows towards the audience that follows them, because they are perfectly aware of how their earnings are due precisely to that audience.

Being an influencer

Relational ability

Influencers are gifted with the incredible ability, natural or acquired with work, to relate to others. For this reason, companies aim for them: for the potential number of buyers they bring as a dowry, but also for their ability to gain new followers.

Relational skills help them to:

  • Get more followers. Precisely because they are good at relating to others.
  • Be empathetic. I am able to connect with others and put myself in their shoes.

All these qualities allow them to establish bonds with other people. They are therefore able to understand cultural dynamics and to interpret current events, as well as the needs and requirements of those who follow them.

Being an influencer is not an easy task. It takes time, effort and dedication. Furthermore, it is a gradual process of gaining the trust and interest of the public. At the same time, if becoming so is complicated, remaining so is even more so.

In fact, many are unable to bear the pressure and end up escaping from the notoriety so painstakingly obtained. It is now in all respects a true “profession” which, as happens with actors, never ceases to present a whole series of situations and moods with which to live “behind the scenes”.

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