You Have To Let Go Of Those Who Have Never Done Anything To Stay

One must let go of those who have never done anything to stay

Who has not seen himself obliged at least once to have to close a stage in his life? Sometimes it says “Close a door”.

However, this vision of the door, rather than giving us the idea of ​​something that closes, is something that begins, it makes us reflect on an entity that never ends, like a kind of ouroboros. We need to see this stage in our life as a moving line along which we flow as we grow. 

And to grow, we have to get rid of some things, while we gain new ones. Life is an uninterrupted path that overwhelms us and takes our breath away, and there is no use being attached to something or someone who sends us down, like stones falling into a well.

Who does not recognize us, who hurts us and damages our being, our essence as people, is weakening our growth. 

It can probably be very difficult to realize, it may be that we will not want to see reality for a long time, but unhappiness is something that no one can hide. It hurts, withers and turns us off. So don’t allow it. There always comes a time in life when it is better to let go … 

We must let go of those who have abandoned us

Letting go, closing a stage of our life, does not refer only to saying goodbye to those who have shared life with us, in an act of decision or of value.

It is possible that you are not the one who has abandoned, but that you have actually been abandoned. In this case, the idea of ​​letting go, accepting that breakup and moving forward again, is fundamental.

girl heart and moon
  • We must let go of  those who have abandoned us, because if we don’t, we will continue to cling to an infinity of negative emotions that will hurt us more every day. And those responsible, in this case, will be ourselves.
  • Closing that stage of our life, in which the pain of abandonment is still strong, takes   time.  The pain must be experienced, we must cry, realize what happened and, only later, accept what happened until forgiveness is obtained. Once the wound has healed and as we free ourselves from all burdens, we will feel lighter and able to fully let go.
  • An abandonment is the breaking of a bond and, as such, we must return to ourselves.  
  • Until recently, that bond was nurtured by love for that relationship. Now, having already cut the umbilical cord, we must find ourselves, take care of ourselves, reinforce that bond with our self-esteem, in order to look to the future again. Stronger.
  • Do not feed nostalgia,  do not focus your gaze on the past, because, as the word itself says, it is past, it no longer exists, it is gone, it is not there … And above all remember that those who live by nostalgia do nothing else than feeding suffering and clinging to it while idealizing the past, losing the present. The opportunity to be happy is “here and now”.  

Let go without resentment

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Those who feed anger, contempt and resentment become a prisoner of those who have harmed them.  It is so simple and so painful. Whoever provokes you anger and who focuses on your contempt makes you eternal custodians of negative emotions.

Forgiveness is not easy. Sometimes we believe that forgiveness is a renunciation of ourselves, which corresponds to wavering and seeing ourselves as victims. But is not so.

To forgive, you must be able to trust yourself again. No one is as strong as the person who is capable of granting forgiveness to those who have harmed him because he in turn demonstrates that he has overcome his fears, that he no longer fears his “enemy” and that he feels free.

Letting go of resentments and anger takes us back to our initial state, our heart heals and negative emotions leave us. Only then does the act of “letting go” become something easier to achieve, as well as an act of liberation.

Images courtesy of Mila Marquis, Shawna Erback, Lucy Campbell

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