Humility Is Not Preached, It Is Practiced

Humility is not preached, it is practiced

I don’t like people who preach the importance of recognizing their limitations, but who, in the meantime, feel they are better than others. I don’t even like those who inflate their virtues, as if there is nothing else in the world.

These are two sides of the same coin, the coin of false humility. The one that is only apparent and that hides airs of superiority. The one that causes us an immediate feeling of rejection, even if we are not yet fully aware of its falsity.

“If you think you are too big for small things, maybe you are too small for big things.”

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Humility is not …

Being humble does not mean feeling inferior to others, nor submitting or giving up. Humble people are not vulnerable to insults or contempt; they simply know their limits, accept them and live with them. At the same time, they make their qualities known through their actions, not their words.

An arrogant person, on the other hand, cannot sleep at night due to dark feelings that undermine his rest. She lives constantly angry and resentful.

Being humble doesn’t mean letting yourself be hit, but admitting your mistakes, being smart enough to learn from them and being mature enough to correct them. The arrogance makes us stumble, it closes the path towards evolution.

“Humility cannot require my submission to the arrogance and rudeness of those who lack respect for me. When I can’t react as I should to an affront, humility asks me to stand up with dignity. “

(Paulo Freire)

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Lack of humility is typical of people who think only of themselves and consider themselves superior to others. This attitude does not allow them to appreciate the qualities of others and, often, they are consumed by envy.

In this way, the lack of humility generates a conscious or unconscious social rejection, which causes pride to be accompanied by loneliness. Selfishness, however subtle, disgusts us.

The fact that someone brags in an exaggerated way is maddening and is a problem for the self-esteem of others. For this reason, the recognition of oneself and others is much more heartening.

Humility is a gift we must work on day after day. It is easy to fall into the false belief that we are better or more capable than others at something, just as it is easy to believe that our values ​​are better or more just.

False humility is a small flaw that prevents us from recognizing that we have stumbled upon this mistake. We do not realize that we consider ourselves superior to others and we do not see the extent that this attitude has.

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Humility frustrates envy and lifts goodness

We must believe and admire simple things. Of oneself, one must highlight the kindness, dignity and qualities. Being humble makes us righteous and great, helps us understand our limits and makes us aware of what we still have to learn.

The practice of humility must be a daily exercise, as it helps us to know how to listen, to share silences and to be sincere and close to those around us. In this way, we will transform ourselves into quality people and we will be able to touch the hearts of others thanks to our smiles and our gestures.

As we have said, humility is the basis of greatness; in order to grow, we must first understand that we are small. Being humble means being honest and banishing superficiality from our life, which will guarantee us emotional well-being.

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