Sensitivity: The Most Elegant Dress Of Intelligence

Sensitivity: the most elegant dress of intelligence

My sensitivity unmasks me. If my tears flow and wet my face in front of someone, I feel vulnerable. If I hug you in front of other people, and you reject me, you feel small. If I kiss you and you walk away, I feel like I don’t have to show you my feelings.

But the sensitivity towards other human beings, animals, music, the beauty of a painting or a sculpture is not a sign of weakness, but of intelligence, which is why we must never be ashamed of who we are and to demonstrate. our feelings.    

Highly sensitive people

There are people who react very sensitively to their surroundings.  They are able to understand everything that happens, they observe carefully and, at times, internalize and make them the emotions and feelings of other people. Highly sensitive people have particular characteristics, namely the following:

Sensitivity towards criticism

A criticism made to a highly sensitive person can hurt him, because they are people who  suffer a lot from the negative opinions of others  and are sick. However, this should not prevent them from receiving constructive criticism, comments or intelligent opinions.

sensitivity girl, deer and plants

Sensitivity to environments and places

A sensitive person perceives any small detail in any environment, smell, color or sound. Very high-pitched sounds and crowded places usually annoy these people or make them feel uncomfortable.

Furthermore, they are particularly delicate and their ability to observe makes them able to appreciate in a special way the beauty of a place, the tranquility, the delicate sounds.  

They enjoy the moments of solitude

Highly sensitive people need moments to enjoy themselves in solitude, to reflect on their existence,  to ask questions and to see the little things in life for themselves.

They get carried away when they become passionate about something

If a highly sensitive person becomes passionate about something, his degree of involvement will be very strong and he will transmit that enthusiasm to the people around him, because his passion is contagious. In this way, he conveys very positive feelings to others and enjoys every moment of life.   

They give themselves to others

A highly sensitive person is empathetic, identifies with others and learns to put themselves in others’ shoes. These are people who help others and care about what happens to the people around them. 

They have a great imagination

Sensitive people are often enchanted to observe a landscape,  a work of art, the beauty of people … They tend to have a great imagination and let themselves be carried away by their thoughts: this is why sometimes they need to be alone, to be able to connect fully with all their dreams and all their ideas.

Sensitivity and intelligence

face sensitivity of colored woman

Sensitivity to beauty, to people, to places, to what surrounds them is usually a characteristic of intelligent people. In this sense, some studies carried out have shown that particularly gifted adults also manifest a great sensitivity, due to their aesthetic ability,  and also to the fact that they have felt different in some moments of their life.

It is necessary, as humans, to be sensitive to our own suffering and that of others. Without sensitivity, we could not face problems and find solutions. We tend to allow everyday problems to invade our mind, but it  is important to find a moment for ourselves, to be able to sensitize ourselves with our deepest selves  and with others.

Sensitivity is one of the manifestations of intelligence, of our way of seeing and enjoying the world;  for this reason, it is necessary for it to penetrate into the pores of our skin, for a smile to make our face curl or for a tear to flow over it… to conclude, it is necessary to feel.

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