You Don’t Do Me Any Good, That’s Why I Walk Away From You

You don't do me any good, that's why I walk away from you

I walk away from you because you don’t do my mind and heart good, because you hurt my soul and I don’t like that. I let you go and I wish you the best, because I don’t want to become bitter, I don’t want my will to drown in feelings that are harmful to me.

I thought you were a friend, a good mate, a nice love or a good colleague … But in the end, as time went by and the passing of the days, I felt that you only brought negativity into my life, while I appreciate myself, I I respect, I love myself. I do not want, I must not and I cannot continue to flatter you as a young servant does his despot.

Because at this point I realized that I don’t care what they think of me, the only thing that matters is to feel good about myself without hurting anyone. This is why I walk away one step at a time, without discussions, without quarrels, without misunderstandings. Follow your path and I will follow mine ; our paths have divided.

I will always respect you, because respect is part of my life values. It wouldn’t do me any good to hold a grudge against you, it would only harden and sour my soul.

I don’t like wars, fights, weapons: there is always someone who comes out injured . If I leave, I remain at peace with myself, I feel happier, I feel that my soul is clean, without rancor.

I want to surround myself only with things that give me happiness. I don’t want to do anything “because it is obligatory”: from now on, the only obligation I will give myself will be to be happy!

How to understand that you are with a toxic person?

  1. You feel uncomfortable;
  2. The person often makes sharp comments about you or others ;
  3. She always wants to appear as “the best” ;
  4. Likes to ridicule or belittle the weakest ;
  5. She does not know how to give advice to others nor does she know how to listen, the only problems that interest her are hers ;
  6. He does not rejoice in the good things that happen to others;
  7. He tends to manipulate;
  8. Always wants to be the center of attention ;
  9. It keeps no secrets or promises ;
  10. There are various types : defeatist, melancholic, depressed, negative, cynical, gossip, catastrophist, envious, authoritarian, blaming, selfish or even a single person can bring many of these aspects together.
I walk away 2

How to deal with toxic people?

  1. Base your confidence on the idea that they can only harm you if you let them.
  2. Keep your distance from them or even break the bond.
  3. Don’t be swayed by their negativity. If you go on a trip, they will tell you about the bad things that can happen to you; if you start a new job, they will tell you it is a bad choice. Don’t get caught up in their usual spiral of negativity.
  4. Get to know new people who make you trust humans again, be positive about it.
  5. Avoid arguments and grudges, because they will only make you uneasy.
  6. Do not allow them to invade your thoughts, try to be aware of the moment your mind is occupied and say “enough”. Silently let these unpleasant reflections slip away.
  7. Don’t give them too much importance and use irony, a great ally in this case.
  8. Learn that, in the course of your life, you will meet many such people: at work, in the family, in a group of friends, etc. Don’t be swayed!

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